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The Oblivion character (player) is missing his name


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My Oblivion character is missing his name. At first I didn't pay attention to it much. However when I installed Lovers with PK, it kinda started impacting my gaming experience. Every time I wait/sleep I get some unimportant notification that I have to confirm by clicking 'Ok', and it is every hour my character sleeps/waits. If you gotta wait/sleep for example 12 hours you have to confirm the notification 12 times. It's annoying.


I tried to rename my character in Wrye Bash but it only solved the problem for as long as I DIDN'T save. If I saved the game my character would be without the name again. I even tried renaming the saves writing the name of the character in the save name, but that also didn't work.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm sounds like two seperate issues but can't really tell without knowing exactly what notification you are getting. Seems to me that notification isn't as "unimportant" as you think. As for the name thing, the fact that it loses the name after a save sounds like a directory problem possibly with OBSE. Are you running a steam installation? If so, OBSE has special installation requirements to work under steam.

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Guest ThatOne

Try the setname console command, or even showracemenu -> set the name your character should have.


If both fail, post your load order.

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