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Can you help me out?

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Okay guys...

I am completely new to modding in any way, so EVERYTHING you guys can tell me is important. I am the 'dumb guy' here, so if you answer this thread, just 'break it down to the stupid level' for me.


I am trying to add a series of mods that I found I liked, but somewhere something keeps happening to CTD, and I know I probably installed something wrong or had one file overwrite another, but you guys speak a coding language that I do not understand, so if you can tell me what mods to load first, what mods overwrite another, and what mods to NOT let overwrite another, I would be extremely grateful.


So here we go...


1. Most of what I added to Skyrim were gun mods and the UNP body, but I don't see the faces looking as good as they did when I tried running CBBE with those face mods. What did I miss?


2. Mods I want to add, but I need the correct order, overwrite/not overwrite, etc.

Brutal Sex

Captured Dreams

Crash Fixes

Death Alternative

Sanguine's Debauchery

Devious Attributes

Devious Captures

Deviously Enslaved

Deviously Helpless

FunnyBiz Animations

Sexist Guards

SexLab Framework

SexLab Rape

SexLab Submit

SexLab Tools

Simple Slavery

SexLab Defeat

SLAL FunnyBizPack Human Animations

xazPrison Overhaul_V032

xazPrison Overhaul_V032 Patch 06



3. CBBE, UDP, TBBP (etc., etc.)....I understand that these acronyms refer to different 'body types' with probably different coding, but that is about all I can figure out. In your opinion, what is the best choice for running these mods, and why? I was running CBBE with a body slide, but I kept getting CTDs. Now that I started using UNP, I have not crashed once...so far (fingers crossed).

I was able to get the rest of the mods I have correctly loaded into NMM, and it is working just fine...no CTDs. Something happens somewhere with one of these mods, but I cannot understand the crash logs to figure out what happened. Maybe if one of you gurus can give me the proper load/write order it will not happen again. I have been subscribing and paying to this site because I really love and respect what you guys do. You making gaming more fun and interesting, so thanks for all you do.

...and thanks so much for your help.


Oh...and to the guy that made a shit-ton of dragons in the air at once (if he ever sees this)... Dude, you are nothing short of fucking BRILLIANT!!! I LOVE having a bunch of dragons attacking at once at the same time that a bunch of zombies are attacking the town.

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Well, first of all this happens to us all at the start :'D


Secondly, unless I install exactly the mods you have I don't think I can properly tell you something like 'oh it must be this or that mod', because all of these mods could work together, but could also not. What I suggest is the approach that is used in any debugging (problem analysis process).


0. Use Mod Organizer, that way you won't be doing any actual changes to your skyrim.

1. Check which mods need other mods for them to run, install those mods as well. If it still crashes then proceed to step 2

2. Disable all the mods

3. Turn on each mod group (mods that need to be installed together to work) after another.
4. Do this until you crash, disable the last mod you installed again and check exactly what could be wrong with that mod together with the other mods you're running.
4.1 If you can't find a fix, try if the mod works by itself. Without the other mods (in MO, simply untick all the others)
4.2 That works? Good, then you know it's not the mod itself having an issue with how you set it up, but it has issues with another mod.
4.3 Keep that mod (or mod group) active and one by one add the other mods... until you crash. 

5. If you did all of the above you should've found the bad guy under your mods.

5.1 Look at which files the mods replace that could conflict. In Mod Organizer you can right click > More Information > Conflicts to check.
5.2 Also, you could check the top right corner for a /!\ symbol that might tell you what's wrong

And last but not least:

Patience. Patience. Patience.

Maybe some other more experienced people can tell you exactly whats going wrong with your mods, but it usually isn't that easy. As we can't really know exactly what causes the issue.

Your list also doesn't help out btw, if you have a bunch of other mods installed and you want to install those you listed on top of those, how are we supposed to know what else you have installed?

If you want I could try to help you in more detail to set up your mods, because I know how annoying it can be when no one helps you with this, but in order to do that I'll need to know exactly what mods you want to install, so I can look at them and see what order you should be installing them in etc.




------ EDIT -------

One final addition: You may not actually need all these mods. I have tried out a good number of mods when I first wanted to crank up my skyrim and eventually ended up finding them more annoying than 'immersive' or 'exciting'. 

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I really appreciate your answer. Thank you so very much for that. I totally forgot about listing what I already have. I got this list from a loadorder file I found at C: Nexus Mod Manager/Skyrim/Mods/ModProfiles/5jzgodo3

Don't ask me HOW I found it. I think the gaming gods willed it today.


Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp=1
Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp=1
Immersive Patrols II.esp=1
Feminine Females.esp=1
Extended UI.esp=1
Marriable Serana.esp=1
Marriable Serana HF.esp=1
Oriental Weapon&Armor.esp=1
Steel Bolts For All.esp=1
Bolts For Weapon Vendors.esp=1
Instant Mastery.esp=1
infinity ring.esp=1
R18Pn - Inner Wear Set.esp=1
Arrow Crafting.esp=1
dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp=1
Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp=1

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I mean, unless I actually have those mods in my Mod Organizer (better tool btw, less intrusive so you can swap back and forth mods without actually ever touching your game).

You know. I'll actually go and do something I normally wouldn't do. Going to look at all the mods you want to install and see if I can get them installed. Maybe I'll also be able to give you a bit of mods from my own collection to add to yours.


Will make it a video, so will add the link to it later.


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That is a really great idea.


Honestly, I am wondering if I just have too many UNP armor/body mods listed. I remember using CBBE and had that body slide before. Everything worked fine, but I didn't like the body as much as I like the UNP, but I cannot find the body slide to change the body and see the changes like I did before.


Message to all modders:


Honestly, you guys (and gals) are really awesome in doing this coding and programming. I wish I knew even 1% of what you guys know.


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i dont use bodyslide myself. Not sure if I should. So far I haven't seen an accurate reason to. If someone showed me a body that has been made with bodyslide that looks better than other bodies, then I will get it.


Maybe I will researh bodyslide/outfit studio and decide if I want to do more than just install it to never use it.


Armor mods you cant really have too many, but you should only have one body mod isnstalled. All npc will use this mod, though custom npcs/followers can have different bodies and you can also use a different body/skin for yourself by using custom races. Thats what I did for my more mature/muscular female character. Didnt want all the women in skyrim rocking thick thighs and a six pack XD


but um, yea it really takes a while to make skyrim exactly what you want. I've halted my own playthrough for 2 days already now just to adujst my mods.


what i am currently working on is trying to get familiar faces to work, so i can include my characters in each others play throughs. also i am using slate to change/add tags to my sexlab pose sets, so that when i defeat and rape a baneit, i dont end up with an inappropriate pose - this does take some time


you're right though, the people making mods are great, seriously I wouldn't even play skyrim without mods.

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I did find one problem that I had. I had 4-5 body mods instead of just one mod with a possible texture pack and hair mod. That was creating some of my issues. So far, I have one UNP armor mod (and some extra armor meshes), one body mod, one texture mod, one hair mod, and now I'm ready to add the other mods. I only have a 4GB video RAM card installed right now, so I cannot go too far into the extra graphics.

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