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Remaking an important NPC.

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I've lost everything i had in my computer so,after a long mod-searching spree,now i have to remake the whole thing.

I had a custom NPC that i made to carry my loot etc,i finally remade that speciffic race (tested with an old save file and finally it recognised the race) and then i made quickly an NPC with no AI,items or even hair.Just the same race,gender,same city to be found and the same filename for the .esp but after loading one of my old saves she wasn't following me(as she should),i had to go find her and she appeared as a new NPC.

My question: Is it even possible to recreate the NPC?To be my companion with the loot,clothes etc?What are the things that have to match the old one?


Offcourse imma keep trying,i'll set the hair,eyes,AI,items and spells (the problem is,except the hair and eyes,everything else might not be identical) and see what happens.I thought i should make a thread because i could really use some help with this.Gimme some hope people. :/ *crosses his fingers*

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Thanks for the reply!


In an old save file (my saves were the only ones backed up T_T) i had a PC using that race and somehow it worked (i had to find the mbp pack i was using etc but,eayh,i finally did it).Now my only problem is the NPC.


I wonder if it's possible to find the id via the save.I could use a miracle so bad. :/



EDIT: Problem solved.Mods can lock this if they want.

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