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Rumarin wont leave

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So I have Rumarin from Interesting NPCS as a follower and he wont unfollow me. I'll tell him to part ways, he'll be like "okay" and then nothing, he continues following me, and if i initiate dialogue again it's like I never dismissed him. 


I have tried to recruit other followers. If I try to recruit another 3dnpc, the new follower will be like "yay lets go", but will not follow me. If I try to get a vanilla follower to follow me, they follow me along with Rumarin and they dismiss as normal when I ask.


Lots of googling told me to install "Amazing Follower Tweaks" and dismiss him using that, so I installed it successfully along with the 3dnpc patch, but the book that tells me how to use AFT said i needed to dismiss all current companions before the AFT stuff would show up, which I can't do because Rumarin wont eff off in the first place. I have also tried the "set 3dnpcfollowercount to 0", console command, and that only half worked. He stopped running after me, but if i approach him he still thinks he's my follower, and if i fast travel or enter another cell, he materializes beside me. I still can't get any other 3dnpcs to follow while he's in this state.

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