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An answer to the frustration I've seen here the last couple of months.


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Hello. Frank here, long time lurker in this and other forums, just felt like venting an issue I've seen being mentioned in this and other forums. Here goes!


I've seen several people complaining about unfinished games, not so many offering help in finishing mentioned games, why is that? Don't get me wrong, I'm not a writer my selfe, but I do appreciate that some of these games/stories will take some time, I'm not saying anyone is impatient about it, and I'm certainly not saying the writers are slow! I'm just trying to look at the "math" that is involved in some of the stories/games and I do immediately understand where the challenge rises!


Some of the games/stories has immediately at the start of the games/stories the possibility to choose between five different stories/branches, well, that's grand! And among those five possibilities you have three choices, do you see where I go with this?

All ready after two selections you have 15 possible branches to follow, and most of the games/stories continue for a good while into this pattern, so that after a while you will end up with 5x3x2x4x3=360 different paths and that's after after 5 choices into the game/story!!?


I'm not saying that this is to much to handle for others, just that it is to much for me to handle, why cant people go to the simple start of VH and branch out, give the hero some substance from the start, and then let the player choose what to do with the avatar?


By that I'm not saying VH is a simple game, it is just that, the way things getting split up there seems easier, and if one would backtrack ones story, try to raise/lower morale or something down that lain.....


There is a few games like this under development, and I do follow the once I think is interesting.


To you game developers out there: Keep up your hard work, I enjoy a good game/story, but it saddens me to see you guys burn out if the load are getting to heavy, so ask for help, or try to narrow down to what is your story, then branch out, to fit a wider audience!


To the gamers out there: Pleas be constructive in your criticism, and offer help if you do feel that you can contribute with anything positive with the project/subject you having a hard time to deal with!(Even positive criticism, when laid down constructively)Just do not give the creative people that undergo the process of trying to create something a hard time! Be supportive and positive, try to lift them up, and make them better!



If you read that, that would be my wall of text fame!

Just my two cent's

Best regards



PS. English is not my native tongue, but please point out where I could phrase myself better, if there could be anything of misunderstanding in the wall of text that I just made :-)

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Eh i only want the games translated to English so that i can fully play them :P


That said, I did find some unpolished gems that the development was stopped and it would be great if they did resume developing them.

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1. When you put your unfinished game in Patreon or any site that basically ask for people money, you are in a position that cannot be lazy or still trying to "figure" something.

Asking people real money make your status became Professional, even if you just 1 man developer (indie). This is especially for one who use the monthly payment.


2. People can support you in story, but Story Writing is another thing. You can support the dev with story. "Hey I have an idea ... bla vla cla xla dla ..."

But when try to compose it to a story and write it to form of conversation, it's not that easy. Cheesy conversation will get you nowhere. Because, many pervert gamer in here ... are adult. Adult don't like so cheesy story. Also coding script from idea to reality is hard as F#.

Of course its different if it Meet & Fuck game type. It don't need conversation, but just fuck fuck fuck.


3. There is a solution, which I already mention in another thread, which are :

- A. The Patreon using Payment per release. And it's not small release, but big release.

- B. Developer should create a game that the Main Story already finish before release it to public. Then after that, they can branch it, perfect it, or whatever they want.


This is not new things, if you follow many games and their progress. Also, we users/gamers are not obligated to help them in technical problem nor game ideas. It was them who should deliver and surprise us. In return, we pay them or donate. Developer should not wait for ideas from public, or help them coding their game. They should never hope for "Help".


If the developer still wait/hope for wait ... if they still try to figure things ... if their story still crap or half made ... if if if if etc etc etc ... then they should not put Patreon or donation in the first place.


I also got enlighten by IdubbbzTV (YouTuber) about KickStarter Crap series. Many people basically lazy or try to find easy start in their project.

In life, as indie or amateur, if you want to make games, you should already have main job to fund your own project. If it getting bigger and need more attention, then you could ask people for money/donation. Before that ... you just treated as a scammer or unwanted to sacrifice with your own blood and sweat.

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One of the big things is the belief that 'decent demo will attract coders/writers, so I dont have to do anywhere near as much work while raking in all the benefits'

This does NOT apply to just here, it applies literally fucking everywhere.


If the person(s) is capable of doing a well written, well coded demo, they are capable of finishing it by themselves.

If they make a demo and dont update in forever, without any real reason...chances are they're waiting for the easy life.


After so many of these, people are starting to see a somewhat of a pattern. Simple as that.

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