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Help with Cursed Armor


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My question on the cursed armor thread doesn't seem to be getting answered any time soon,so i have to ask somewhere,everything runs smoothly,smoother than any other mod i have,up until the point where Anat visits you and gives you the black armor,i have no trouble in inventory,can select spell,switch armor ect. but as soon as i leave the inventory and the quest update sound plays,oblivion crashes without any word of warning,so in other words,if i fucked something up,tell me,if its some file missing,tell me,if you have no fucking idea,then tell me,and if i'm an idiot for missing such a simple fix,then tell me.

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Doesnt cursed armor say the .ESP have to be loaded right after the .ESM?


EDIT: never mind that actually works,second issue,and not just related to cursed armor,but every mod that applies changes to boobs or asses of pc or npc. DAFUQ DO I FIX THE INFINITE BOOBS AND BUTTS?!?!?

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My question on the cursed armor thread doesn't seem to be getting answered any time soon' date='so i have to ask somewhere,everything runs smoothly,smoother than any other mod i have,up until the point where Anat visits you and gives you the black armor,i have no trouble in inventory,can select spell,switch armor ect. but as soon as i leave the inventory and the quest update sound plays,oblivion crashes without any word of warning,so in other words,if i fucked something up,tell me,if its some file missing,tell me,if you have no fucking idea,then tell me,and if i'm an idiot for missing such a simple fix,then tell me.



I ran into this problem as well, using the alternate .nif mesh for tail1/tail2/tail3 (meshes\armor\wolfzq\handsfuck\) that is available in the addon pack of the English patch for Cursed Armor. I can upload them somwhere in case you can't find them.


Of course it could also be a load order issue.

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If you look on the loverpk main thread there should be a link to a skeleton mod (can't remember its full name but something compatibility skeleton). That should fix the infinite boobs and butts.


i already have Coronerras maximum compatibility skeleton,but i may as well try again,and no idea why,but fixing one problem created another,no animations -_- (dont blame me,all i do is install a mod and hope for the best...)

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Yeah i know what you mean compared to FNV oblivion was a pain when it came to mod conflicts. Its why a lot of people on this website tell you to create a complete backup copy of your data folder, put it somewhere easy to find, then put in the mod and see if it works properly and everything. This way you can make sure if at any time you can go back to a data folder that works if anything goes wrong.

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yeah,but my computer is hell buggy,it doesnt let me create a copy,when i go to use one it just says "this file is no longer in the specified location,please try again" yet in my file manager it says it is there...


oh and the skeleton didnt work,any other ideas?

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oh,oh,oh i got something! quests are running fine and animations dont have any bugs,only problem now is the infinite breasts,it isnt affecting the butt,i think i was using a DMRA replacer,i changed to the HGEC eyecandy replacer and no more infiass,it only seems to affect the armor,not the whole body though,any ideas?

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oh' date='oh,oh i got something! quests are running fine and animations dont have any bugs,only problem now is the infinite breasts,it isnt affecting the butt,i think i was using a DMRA replacer,i changed to the HGEC eyecandy replacer and no more infiass,it only seems to affect the armor,not the whole body though,any ideas?



переустанови скелет и проблема с бесконечной грудью должна исчезнуть;)

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Это не решает проблему, но все равно спасибо, GSB сказал мне использовать growlfs универсальный каркас, более актуальной, но не исправить это либо

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