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Suggestions for skimpy vanilla replacers / outfits that could suffice?


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I more or less gave up on my original plan of having different body types and vanilla armor replacers on a per-race basis.  "BodyTypes" with "Remodeled Armors and Clothes Multi-Body" came tantalizingly close to achieving what I was after, but it turned out that the multi-body armor wasn't on NPCs by default; one had to go through the trouble of crafting and hand-placing each piece of armor themselves.  I reckon a very careful synergy between this solution and "PC Exclusive Armor Path" would finally get the job done, but I've already lost too many afternoons gauging the futility of the whole idea.


I'll just go with PCEAr.  So, with the armor repertoire for NPCs now reduced to a single set with a single body (or, rather, a body that is a slave to whatever armor the NPC happens to be wearing), it behooves me to make the most of the situation, and in this case that means figuring out which package, combination of packages, or individual armor replacers will result in the skimpiest vanilla set possible.  Nudity fine.  HDT required.  Some sense of artistic devotion preferred (so that the armor doesn't look less-than-ideally conformed, as seems to generally be the case with the admittedly dated "A Little Sexy Apparel Replacer").  Uniformity of body type would be ideal, but probably not something I could count on - not without eliminating a lot of choice packages.  I'm not especially picky on body type, although I had originally planned to have most NPCs use DreamGirl, to contrast with my own character's impossibly buxom Manga Body 1.4.


As I say, whole sets, partial sets, even individual armors that would do a decent job of filling the role of Ebony Armor or whatever (with a little imagination), as long as it is shamelessly skimpy.  I already played Skyrim in a purely vanilla capacity, and this will probably be the only other time I play the game, so it's time to go for broke.


Speaking of Manga Body, yes, I realize I'm shooting myself in the foot by choosing a body that simply does not have a remotely complete vanilla set.


Thanks in advance for suggestions.


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Have you considered using BodySlide with Unified UNP?

- Manga Body is one of its standard presets.

- Several skimpy replacers are available for BodySlide.

- For variety, not per race but per NPC, a preset can be crafted that ranges e.g. from UNPetite (at weight 0) to UN7B Oppai (at weight 100).

- BodySlide's "BodyGen" randomization could further improve on variety, in theory. (I couldn't get BodyGen to work when I tested it briefly).



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Have you considered using BodySlide with Unified UNP?

- Manga Body is one of its standard presets.

- Several skimpy replacers are available for BodySlide.


Thanks for the suggestion.


Considered an approach like this, but largely rejected it on a few points: There's a learning curve involved, the total variety is effectively truncated, and anything done by batch is going to have more than its fair share of imprecise fits and similar compromises, or so I imagine.  I could be off base.  Most particularly, body shapes achieved with sliders almost unavoidably exhibit sharp corners, harsh twists, and a general sacrifice of natural roundness - moreso than an untampered mesh, in any event.  Were I to examine this approach, I would want to avoid messing with whatever the base mesh is.


As far as Manga Body goes, BodySlide for Skyrim is not like BodySlide for FO4.  There are simply not enough vertices, at least in the nipples, to achieve the correct look.  I actually had a chat with the author on this very topic, and the end result of that was that FO4's BodySlide is now packaged with sliders which do a quite respectable job of imitating the Manga Body areola/nipple.  (It's still a little off, but for a slider effort, it is remarkable.)

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