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Need some help, invisible body when exporting meshes


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I'm not home right now so I can't load the nif to check. but if you deleted the body skin mesh from the nif that's why you have the gap at the neck.


If you have biped 33 used in the esp it expects to have a body, or enough clothing/armor to cover any skin.


Also if you flagged it for biped 34/35 you need hands in the nif. Or just remove the the biped requirement for the default hands.

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I'm not home right now so I can't load the nif to check. but if you deleted the body skin mesh from the nif that's why you have the gap at the neck.


If you have biped 33 used in the esp it expects to have a body, or enough clothing/armor to cover any skin.


Also if you flagged it for biped 34/35 you need hands in the nif. Or just remove the the biped requirement for the default hands.

so i need to leave the body there? also the meatcaps?? i don't understand.

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I'm not home right now so I can't load the nif to check. but if you deleted the body skin mesh from the nif that's why you have the gap at the neck.


If you have biped 33 used in the esp it expects to have a body, or enough clothing/armor to cover any skin.


Also if you flagged it for biped 34/35 you need hands in the nif. Or just remove the the biped requirement for the default hands.

So this time i didn't delete body meshes at all. no changes. still invisible body etc

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I'm slightly confused. The nif you posted in your first message is a skyrim formatted and posed one.


It has the body skin for arms and around the neck so I would leave that. Making sure your esp *does* specify biped 33 so it replaces the character body with the one in the armor nif. Make sure that the material it points to is the female body one. The meat caps could be removed, since right now body dismemberment with exports from Outfit Studio are broken. I think FO4 adds it's own meat caps from other files based on connection points anyway so they're not needed in the character model file anymore.


If you continue to have issue, it would be best if you posted a complete, even if not working, mod package. That being the nif's, textures, materials, and esp. If you don't want it to public post, I can help via a PM. Without having the same details that you're working with it's very hard to troubleshoot.

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  • 2 months later...

I think I may know about your problem. Nifskope generally gets confused by the name of different armor parts. Once while I was converting an armor it had 3 upperbody named parts, could you believe that?
What you need to do is rename the different parts so that the names aren't repeated and your problem will be solved.


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