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Idea: Veronica Santangelo, Scribe of Vengence


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So...obviously one of the most beloved characters in New Vegas was Veronica.  Even without mods, she is one of the deepest characters in the entire Fallout universe.  I was quite sad - I mean, I understand it, but still sad - that she doesn't make an appearance in Fallout 4.  At first, this made sense because in a post-apocalypse where simply crossing town can get you killed by a Radscorpion, it doesn't make much sense to travel too far from home.


But then I found MacReedy and I've come to the conclusion that, in the 10 years between games, Veronica should've arrived.  Between Kellogg and him, there's enough characters from out west to make me believe that the journey is, somehow, quite survivable.


Besides that, though, Veronica would be the PERFECT character to have in Fallout 4.  Think about her internal struggle with the Brotherhood's rejection of new members.  Think about the way they confiscate technology.  And think about how Veronica so aptly noted that all their laser rifles and power armor were defeated at helios one by plain NCR soldiers with nothing but standard Service Rifles.


Now think about the dynamic in play in the Commonwealth.  What would Veronica have to say about all this?  Sure, the BoS offering you membership is great.  Yet, despite that promising sign, how would Veronica react to the quest "With Our Powers Combinded."  You're annihilating the brotherhood's crowning achievement - the Prydwen - with nothing more than gunpowder and cannonballs.  The perfect example of older, lower technology kicking the Brotherhood's ass.  And really, just the mere fact that the Minuteman COULD do that would have to concern her.


All of these questions make me want her in Fallout 4 even more.  I want her to show up, from the west, on her own.  To arrive just before the Prydwen itself and follow me across the Commonwealth, providing insight about the BoS along the way.  And punching things.  LOTS of punching.  Especially since melee/unarmed works SO much better in Fallout 4 than it did in New Vegas.


Who else totally wants this?

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  • 4 months later...

Highly doubt any DLC would deal with Veronica though. As far as I can tell, there is nothing from New Vagas in Fallout 4.


I think Beth can't use assets from that game or something. If you want her, you'll have to mod her in somehow.


Sorry to necro my thread but...now that we've got about a dozen (voiced) companion mods on the Nexus, I think this is entirely doable.


And yeah, Kellogg is from NCR territory.  In one of the memories (the first one, I think) you hear over the radio about the formation of the NCR.  At the very least, he's somewhere within radio range of the NCR.


The fact that he has been working with the Institute for over a decade AFTER traveling from the NCR to the Commonwealth means there's no good reason Veronica couldn't make the journey.

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Due to FNV being developed by Obsidian, and Fallout 3/4 being developed by Bethesda, they can't use Veronica without actually paying Obsidian for usage rights, or something.  The only way to do it would be for a modder to bring her in.

That's why MacReady was able to appear, because he was in 3, which they had rights to.

I wouldn't mind seeing some references to FNV stuff, but I doubt it will be easy, and I doubt it would be able to go on the Nexus.  haha

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Guest endgameaddiction

I think that's going a bit too far. Bethesda wouldn't have to pay Obsidian. They can use Veronica how they see fit if they wanted to. All Obsidian did was come in write the story, develop the world, but New Vegas belongs to Bethesda. Obsidian just got their fair share for doing their work. Otherwise if this was an Obsidian game, they would have made another Fallout, but they can't. They own nothing of the Fallout franchise, They just get their fair share in profit from any sales of New Vegas.

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I think that's going a bit too far. Bethesda wouldn't have to pay Obsidian. They can use Veronica how they see fit if they wanted to. All Obsidian did was come in write the story, develop the world, but New Vegas belongs to Bethesda. Obsidian just got their fair share for doing their work. Otherwise if this was an Obsidian game, they would have made another Fallout, but they can't. They own nothing of the Fallout franchise, They just get their fair share in profit from any sales of New Vegas.


I would have to dig it up, but I remember reading something alluding to that on something else.  I think it was part of Tale of Two Wastelands, or something.  Something about copyright material.  It's some ridiculous legal BS if I recall.  Either way, Fallout 4 isn't going to use anything from FNV officially.

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I really doubt Bethesda couldn't use stuff from NV. They own the IP for crying out loud.


I hope they don't bring her into the commonwealth. Not because she's a bad character, I think Obsidian did a great job with her character, but because Bethesda's writing is dogshit compared to what we saw in New Vegas in my opinion. They would just screw it up.

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