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Steam will Re-Acquire 5 Files


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 Hi, lately i've noticed my Skyrim acting wonkier than usual, so i decided to check for Invalidate files through Steam. But after every game i' played lately i checked for file validation through Steam, and strangely enough it keeps wanting to download 5 files. I never noticed this type of behaviour like this before occasionally 1 file be downloaded but not 5 files after each and every play-through.


 Was wondering if anyone knows why?.

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 Was wondering if anyone knows why?.


Probably because it generally tries to replace >every< original file that doesn't match. Which means config files, default logs, etc. are getting reset.


Easy way to get an idea is to run the game. Do what you usually do. Go out. Now search your entire skyrim install directory for recently modified files. Those files will most likely not match a hash check and be replaced.

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 I know which files are being replaced Update,Dawngaurd, Herthfires,Dragonborn. But why after every play through...40 minutes of play?. One of the reason why i was investigating was  that i can't build any of the Hearthfire houses- yes i know there's a conflict and i'am trying to narrow it down.

 Until i noticed Steam wants to validate 5 files..thought i'd ask if any one knew. rarely if ever had problem with validate files.

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