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Need help with installing XP32 Skeletons


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I can't catch a goddamn break from mods not working.


My papyrus log is practically empty, but here it is: http://prntscr.com/9k6gtz

Yes I ran FNIS

I installed it last

I wasn't sure what NMM meant when I was asked to overwrite (I was not sure which button overwrote the files, but I installed it twice choosing both yes

and no, and the reason I wasn't able to tell is because the grammar was written seemingly by a brainwreck chimpanzee with a broken keyboard.)

This is what the NMM list looks like. http://prntscr.com/9k6hev


So I installed all the other mods BEFORE everything else. Starting with the patch, then CBBE, then bodyslide, then the ragdolls thing, then the clothes, and then XP32, choosing all default settings.


I open the game and it crashes.


This is what FNIS looks like http://prntscr.com/9k6hqa


I've tried this every way I could think of. What I am wondering more is how the hell people do this without any problem. Every goddamn mod I have had a problem with. Am I just suck at following directions or is Skyrim mods just a total clusterfuck?


If anything else is needed I can put it here.

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