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Small question about dirty plugins and LOOT


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When I open LOOT to organize my load order, it says I have 3 dirty plugin. I always ignored that because I know certain plugins do dirty edits on purpose and those are necessary for their functionality.


However, early today I finally decided to scroll down and saw that these mods, respectively, "contains 24 deleted references", "contains 2 ITM records" and "contains 2 ITM records" once again, and LOOT tells me to clean them all with T5E.


I checked the mods' descriptions and they say nothing about not cleaning them with TES5Edit. So should I do it? Is it safe?

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Do it. If it fucks up the game just re-install the ESP file, no biggie. If LOOT tells you to clean something, it's best you do, LOOT is our almighty savior. 


Some however must not be cleaned because they will break the mod. Guard Dialogue Overhaul is one such plugin.


Still LOOT should tell you what should be cleaned and what shouldnt, so I agree you need to clean them :).

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