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Need Help Creating Male Version Nyotengu Christmas

Guest riserax

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Guest riserax

I really wanted a male version of Minou's Nyotengu Christmas outfit, so I followed Nightasy's tutorial on youtube as well as a few others to help create it and get it into the game. But I am having a few issues...


At first was just invisible (chest, forearms, legs), with just the normal head, feet, and hands showing. Now it's a giant marker icon in game (red triangle with floating head,hands,feet). I was able to successfully edit a vanilla armor to be revealing and fit a SOS body with no issues using the same method, so this one has me stumped.


Can someone take a peek at the .nif file I created to see what might be wrong? I included the original armor with the female body for comparison. It is a separate .esp. I tried to make it a part of the original .esp, but when that wasn't working I tried standalone. I added that as well to see if that might be the issue. The help is greatly appreciated! ^o^ Need more male love around here! Once I get the hang of this, expect a lot more male armors in the future! 



Minou Nyotengu Christmas_0.nif




Minou Nyotengu Christmas CBBE HDT Bodyslide Compatible.7z



Also included the original file for the armor for those who might want it. Merry Christmas! <3


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So much wrong. Here, I'll help you clean it up.

2 NiTriShape MaleBody - is fine, nothing to change in this block. It's all 4 of the other NiTriShapes, the "clothing" that are incorrect.

First of all, they need to be renamed. You cannot have a NiTriShape named after a bone because the game looks at bones differently. In the block details of each NiTriShape, on the first line called Name, click on the TXT beside it. A box will open. Type in a new name here. I'd suggest start with Ribbon:0, then Ribbon:1 for the next NiTriShape, Ribbon:2 for the next, Ribbon:3 for the last one. They must be unique names.

Now, do the following under each NiTriShape block;

- delete the "NiMaterialProperty" line. Unneccessary.
- In NiTriShapeData, change "BS Num UV Sets" from 1 to 4097. (1 is for 'skin' only)
- Go up to the header Spells > Batch > Update All Tangent Spaces. When you relook at the NiTriShapeData you should notice the Tangents and Bitangents lines are no longer greyed out and are now filled with values. This is important for meshes. (I see you're using 3DS as your modeling tool, and I believe one of the export scripts causes this problem though I forget which one. Just remember this if you continue modeling.)
- In NiTriShapeData still, change "Has Vertex Colors" to No as your model doesn't use any.
- In BSLightingShaderProperty, change the "Shader Type" to Default and remove the "Shader Flags 1" option of SLSF_1_Environment_Mapping as you're not using environment mapping.

Save the file and retest it.

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Guest riserax

So much wrong. Here, I'll help you clean it up.


2 NiTriShape MaleBody - is fine, nothing to change in this block. It's all 4 of the other NiTriShapes, the "clothing" that are incorrect.


First of all, they need to be renamed. You cannot have a NiTriShape named after a bone because the game looks at bones differently. In the block details of each NiTriShape, on the first line called Name, click on the TXT beside it. A box will open. Type in a new name here. I'd suggest start with Ribbon:0, then Ribbon:1 for the next NiTriShape, Ribbon:2 for the next, Ribbon:3 for the last one. They must be unique names.


Now, do the following under each NiTriShape block;


- delete the "NiMaterialProperty" line. Unneccessary.

- In NiTriShapeData, change "BS Num UV Sets" from 1 to 4097. (1 is for 'skin' only)

- Go up to the header Spells > Batch > Update All Tangent Spaces. When you relook at the NiTriShapeData you should notice the Tangents and Bitangents lines are no longer greyed out and are now filled with values. This is important for meshes. (I see you're using 3DS as your modeling tool, and I believe one of the export scripts causes this problem though I forget which one. Just remember this if you continue modeling.)

- In NiTriShapeData still, change "Has Vertex Colors" to No as your model doesn't use any.

- In BSLightingShaderProperty, change the "Shader Type" to Default and remove the "Shader Flags 1" option of SLSF_1_Environment_Mapping as you're not using environment mapping.


Save the file and retest it.


Thank you sooo much for the reply! It's funny, I copied most of the information directly from the original. I followed everything you said, and the body was invisible, but better than being a marker! I then went back to the original file and saw that vertex colors was yes on theirs, changed mine back to yes, and it loaded! Only problem now is the body is black, and the ribbons are orange and green. It was also complaining that it was missing an environment map now? Which it did not say before I edited the Shader Type. Any ideas? I did notice as well that the original armor had 4096 instead of 4097. Not sure if that is important or not. Where did you learn all of this? xD 


EDIT: I had accidentally changed the malebody portion from 1 to 4096 and vertex colors to no. I changed htem back by following the original body, and now the body is like a solid, glowing beige. xD Ribbons are still a solid orange and green. Continuing to tweak. :)Here is the new nif. The only way I can find to fix this issue is to paste the BSlighters, which is what I did the first time and that obviously didn't work. xD I repasted the armor back onto the body, and the body works! Ribbons still do not...


Officially stumped. Got the ribbons to be all orange instead of orange and green by pasting the bslighters from the original armor onto it. Adding that .nif now, too. I am now noticing that I need to edit a part by the shoulder that I seemed to have missed, as well as the neck ribbon. Not to mention I need to actually make a _1 version. Blech! The second one is the one I pasted the bslighters to. I'm also noticing the genitals are not showing when I equip this armor. x.x Not winning! Also included a picture to show what it looks like now. I feel like I'm so close, and it's killing me!!! 







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It's not 4096, it's 4097. Always. Not sure where you got 4096 from? I'm looking at the female version mesh from your first post and it's 4097.

Anyway, all your newest meshes are broken;

The malexmas11_0.nif, while it is set to 4097, has lost all it's UV mapping information. Not sure what happened here.
The other 2 maletest2 meshes are set to 4096 which causes the UV map and texturing ability to be lost.

I've fixed up your original malexmas2_0.nif. Start from here as the base example.

Of course, yes, the other thing is the obvious gaping hole where a penis should be, lol. I don't use SoS so don't know how to create armor with it, but I'd assume you need to include .. something here?




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Guest riserax

Ahh, seems the armor I was using as reference was actually messed up itself! Not sure how... I reextracted and now I see that yes, it is 4097 :) Thank you! Yea, I have no idea. I didn't touch anything UV wise, I don't think anyway? Yea. I made an armor for SOS before and got it in game and the penis works. I did this one the same way and the penis isnt popping up. LOL not sure why either. I will try again! Thank you again for all the help, really. <3 Means so much! Going to start from scratch and try again.


EDIT: Seems something on my end is wonky. I am still unable to load textures in game, even with your nif. They are all purple now. LOL. Oh, well, starting over anyway. :)


Another edit: To get schlong to work, simply enable revealing armor with the armor equipped in the SOS MCM menu... I facepalmed so hard after trying everything I could to get it to work...


Final: So, after redoing the whole thing, the same exact way I tried to the first time, everything works! Seems I was working off a somehow damaged original armor mesh, so be sure to use fresh files! Always!!! Here is a summary of what I did.


- Imported the original model, deleted female body, imported male body w/updated male skeleton, not vanilla. Moved the mesh and deleted what I didn't want.

- Added smooth (2) modifier to every editable mesh, deleted each skin/bsdismember from each, skinwrapped/skinned/redid bsdismember setting it to Skyrim body. Very important! I left the original BSdismember once, and when it got in game, the armor would fly all over when I equipped it. xD

- Exported, with weld vertices set to 0.0

- Opened it in nifskope, and deleted each BSlightershaderproperty

- Opened original armor and body and pasted their bslighters back onto the corresponding parts.


When I tried to change the UV from 1 - 4097 it would break it... When I tried to change Has vertex colors to no from yes, it also broke it... When I updated all tangent spaces, it caused the armor to CTD when I equipped it in game. 


Just a quick, unedited shot to show the armor. I also included the armor for anyone interested, though note I am still working on the _1 version at the moment and refining the first for tiny clips. :) Please let me know if it works for you! I will upload to the Nexus once that is complete. <3 Remember to enable your ding-a-ling via MCM menu for SOS.


Annnd _1 version is complete! Weight slider on it doesn't work however. Apparently you need to weld vertices before exporting the _0 version... I redid both from scratch to fix this, and as I was exporting the _1 version, 3ds max crashed. Fffff! Oh, well. 


Weight slider has been fixed! It was as simple as re-pasting the armor back onto a fresh body of both _0 and _1 with the nitrishapes in the SAME ORDER! Apparently that matters... 



Male Nyotengu Christmas Armor.7z




Male Nyotengu Christmas Armor.7z

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