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[REQ] Frostfall 3.0 SL compatibility


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Frostfall is one of my must-play mods, but it gets a bit annoying to risk freezing to death every time I have sex outside. I know that there used to be a mod (Warmbodies) that helped somewhat, but it's not compatible with the new version of Frostfall. Honestly, I'd be happy with a mod that at least stops exposure from increasing during sex animations. If it reduced exposure slightly, that would be great too. This goes way beyond my very rudimentary scripting abilities, but Frostfall is a very popular mod, so I'd love to see someone take a crack at it.

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I didn't even know Frostfall had an update until reading this, and then spazzed at how many other things this was gonna affect. To the point I think I may have to start a new game just to be sure it and other stuff plays nice. Still, the changes looked epic, so also hoping things get patched up soon!

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All you need to do is decrease the exposure rate when running things like defeat or dangerous nights so you have more time to "recover". That way, you won't freeze to death once stripped in a snow storm after 15 seconds (default exposure is way too damned fast anyway). A lower level character might die, but one that has a few endurance perks and frost resistance enchanted armor (set to never remove) should be just fine.

But if you disable the feature during sex animations it would ruin the immersion that frostfall added in the first place. If I want to have sex in the snow, I feel I should have to pitch a tent and build a campfire first. Now if someone was to add a warming spell effect to the actual sex act, that would fit perfectly with the immersion.

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This issue isn't always "wanting to have sex in the snow" mods like defeat, wouldn't be the least bit immersive, especially considering the only one effected by exposure is the player character.  So while you might know it's "not smart" to do so, if a random bandit beats you down in a snowy environment he'll strip you down, and you'll die in seconds because defeat triggered and stripped you, while the bandit isn't effected at all :/ There are lots of mods on this site that strip you, free of your choice.

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