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Question about repacks.


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I was using the 3.0 version of the big pack of costumes located in the Holden's Mod thread. I saw there was a 4.0 released located here https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BykzAtjgSd5_amdnaHZKQVpkTjA/view?pli=1 For some reason though, I've lost a lot of the costumes I had. Some new ones are added for Kasumi Ayane and a few others, but I've also lost nudity for most of the girls and their costumes as well. I've looked at the 3.0 and 4.0 folders and they both have the same folders (4.0 adds four new ones) so I know I'm not supposed to leave 3.0 or anything like that. I haven't actually extracted any of these files as that's a bit out of my range right now (I just started modding DOA5 a few days ago) I'm trying to figure this out on my own but running into a wall.


Am I just installing this incorrectly? I really like the new costumes added by 4.0 but losing most of the other girls sort of sucks. All I'm doing as far as installation goes is editing the ini to reflect the new DLC and dropping the DLC folders into the DLC folder of DOA 5. Is there a step I'm missing or something?


Most everywhere I've read says you need to have a 3DM ini (Even the pack of costumes has a 3dm ini to just overwrite) but I have a steam_api.ini. Does the game just have to be cracked by 3DM for the mods to work correctly? 


If anyone could help I'd really appreciate it. 

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