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HDT-PE 14.28 editing xml values


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I'm trying to mash together edits from 2 separate HDT files using notepad to copy the values over from one file to the other. I'm only interested in copying belly nodes over so I copied the numeric values for HDT Belly and NPC Belly from the one file to another. The belly seems to work, with SOS collisions and enlarges from Fill Her Up mod. However the belly bounce did not copy completely. There is belly bounce when jumping and crouching but it bounces only once, whereas the other HDT file bounces several times, like how breasts bounce a few times before settling. Is there a setting I'm missing which controls this? I copied all the numeric values from one HDT file to the other, including the gravity settings, on the 2 belly entries in hdtPhysicsExtensionsDefaultBBP.xml.


I assume that the only pertinent values are all nested within the named entries, but I'm really at a loss as to how this xml is structured and what fields are actually controlling which bone. Also what is the setting that enables collision? I compared belly settings for a xml with and without collision on the belly, and I don't see any extra entries on the one with belly collision, just differing values for identical entries.

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well after derping around and with much trial and error, I finally figured out what the problem was. Apparently the motion fields pertaining to a node come BEFORE the name of the node, and not after. I was under the impression that the values for the node come after the node (ie I thought HDT Belly's values come after it). Apparently that isn't the case, and that explains why I only managed to get half effect from my edits...I was editing another node unintentionally. I only figured this out because I tried to edit the butt nodes just now, and for some reason the right breast started helicoptering after my edits. Checked the xml and right breast node came immediately after the butt node, so put 1 and 1 together to figure this out. Hopefully this info can help someone else

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