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CanadianIce Morrowind Robes and Dresses for Dream Girl

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About the mod:


This is a conversion of the Oblivion mod "CanadianIce Morrowind Robes and Dresses for HGEC" by CanadianIce - Xiamara - herosinger to the Dream Girl body in Skyrim.
This mod adds 20 different robes and dresses originally textured by CanadianIce for Morrowind, and had been adjusted to fit the HGEC body by Xiamara.
The original mod was uploaded on Oblivion Nexus by herosinger at this link: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/20054/?
All credits go to the original authors, all I did was adapting it to the Dream Girl body for Skyrim.


Note: Since Dream Girl's body is incompatible with a lot of hands meshes mods, I already included a pair of gloves using the Dream Girl hands meshes, please do equip them.


Update 1:


Thanks to a kind Anon on /tesg/, I was able to redo the meshes so they now display normal maps properly.
I also modified the normal maps a bit, so they won't shine too much, and make the dress look plastic-y.


Check list:


Weight slider support: Check
Clipping-free guarantee: Semi Check


XMPSE2 Skeleton


Just use any mod manager to install the armor.
Or manually, you can just drop everything into [skyrim Directory]\Data


Obtaining the armor:
Option 1: Use this wonderful mod AddItemMenu: http://www.nexusmods…im/mods/64905/?
Option 2: When ingame, press “~” to bring up console, type “help MR.” Add them into your game
using player.additem [item ID] 1
Option 3: Nope. Not gonna do that again


Deactivate in mod manager
Or delete the following:
Canadian Ice's Morrowind Robes and Dresses.esp


To-do list:
- Nothing -




CanadianIce for creating such wonderful textures that still hold up 7 years later.
(You can also visit her forum at: http://grotto.moddersrealm.com/, she made some really nice stuffs for Morrowind)
Xiamara for converting the meshes into HGEC, which is an easier body to adapt to Skyrim.
JClyde and AcidRain226 - for the Fantasy Figures dress mesh.
herosinger for packaging the meshes and textures, and releasing them on Oblivion Nexus.
A kind Anon on /tesg/ for teaching me the bases of cleaning up meshes in Nifskope.
Nightasy for the armor conversion tutorials.
Petrovich for the Dream Girl body.


As always, have issues? Please message me, or leave a comment in the thread. Have a nice day, guys !



The mod has been updated !


What's new? I polished the meshes and normal maps a little, so the dresses won't shine too much and look all plastic-y.

Some demonstrations for the update:












Enjoy !


hi asenasen....really beautiful textures...I see a folder full of sleeve textures as well....was wondering if they need a sleeve mesh or something?


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