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[Sims 3] Simlish Alternative to Oniki's Condoms

Guest INKkan

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Guest INKkan

Hey everyone! Long-time lurker here, though I'm hoping to change that soon with this first post.  :)


When KinkyWorld v0.2 was released, I was ecstatic to discover that the condoms & dispenser had been included in the recent update. So I immediately replaced the old mod with the new one. When I launched the game and navigated to it in Build Mode I saw that there was written french on them. I was originally going to let it slide since it's such an awesome mod, but my OCD wasn't having any of it. What you see below is a quickly done re-texture to change all the real-world writing to Simlish.


Note: Since I couldn't figure out how to create overrides I just re-packaged the whole objects with the new textures. So keep in mind that you can only have Oniki's originals or these altered packages in your Mods folder at a time if you want them to show up properly!


All credit to object-functionality and original textures goes to Oniki. I just created a new logo and replaced the "easy-on" writing.






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Durex is the company name not french for condom :D  It is called the same here in Norway at least the brands from the Durex company :P  But thanks anyway for doing this as it is kinda neat to have simlish alone in the game ;)  Now only if the store-people and sims creatores could be this consistent but insted you get T-shirts with english writing :angry:  Oh well what can you do :lol:

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Guest INKkan

Durex is the company name not french for condom :D  It is called the same here in Norway at least the brands from the Durex company :P  But thanks anyway for doing this as it is kinda neat to have simlish alone in the game ;)  Now only if the store-people and sims creatores could be this consistent but insted you get T-shirts with english writing :angry:  Oh well what can you do :lol:

I was more referring to the text that was on the bottom, even though I just removed it all-together.  :blush:  I agree about the consistency, the diesel stuff pack is a huge offender when it comes to English writing.  :dodgy:

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Neat. Anybody know how to make the dispenser smaller? Maybe it's just me, but it seems so huge.


It's a little too deep and wide. Condoms are tiny things, this dispenser would hold so many that they would expire before being used. However, it's probably best to ask in the KW thread, because it would require editing the original model. This mod here is just a texture edit to change the font used.

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