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Sex as quest objective?


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I cannot get this to work. I cannot get an event callback to occur at all after sex is finished.  I have tried setting it up multiple ways.


Here is code from my quest script:

Scriptname DibellaPriestessQScript extends Quest  

SexLabFramework Property SexLab  Auto  

event OnInit()
    ; // Register globally onto AnimationEnd, with our callback QuestAdvanceCheck whenever the script is first initialized
    Debug.Notification("OnInit Run!")
    RegisterForModEvent("AnimationEnd", "QuestAdvanceCheck")

event QuestAdvanceCheck(string eventName, string argString, float argNum, form sender)
   Debug.Notification("Event Triggered!")
    ; // Use the HookController() function to get thread controller that triggered this event
    sslThreadController controller = SexLab.HookController(argString)
    ; // Only show our satiation message if player was involved
    if controller.HasPlayer
       Debug.Notification("Player Finished!")
       if (actiontracker.GetValueInt() == 1)
		Debug.Notification("Correct Value!")
GlobalVariable Property actiontracker  Auto  

OnInit does not run (possibly because the quest has already started and I would need to start my game over).  So I also put the code to setup the callback in the snippet that triggers the scene:

actor[] SexActors = new actor[2]
SexActors[0] = akSpeaker
SexActors[1] = PlayerRef
sslBaseAnimation[] anims = SexLab.GetAnimationsByTag(2, "Lesbian" )
Debug.Notification("Registering AnimationEnd as QuestAdvanceCheck")
RegisterForModEvent("AnimationEnd", "QuestAdvanceCheck")
SexLab.StartSex(SexActors, anims)

So either way the "Event Triggered!" message should come up when the scene is finished.  It doesn't happen.  What am I missing?

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If you start sex with dialog you could possibly registerformodevent in script fragments. With function for example.




Function nextStage()
    ; // Register globally onto AnimationEnd, with our callback QuestAdvanceCheck whenever the script is first initialized
    Debug.Notification("OnInit Run!")
    RegisterForModEvent("AnimationEnd", "QuestAdvanceCheck")


Then call it from fragement with:


(GetOwningQuest() as nameOfYourQuestScript).nextStage()




Keep in mind that i've only fiddled very little with CK so i'm sure there is many, far better methods.


Edit: Actually you can probably just use RegisterForModEvent directly within fragments which would be far simpler.

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If you start sex with dialog you could possibly registerformodevent in script fragments. With function for example.




Edit: Actually you can probably just use RegisterForModEvent directly within fragments which would be far simpler.


Actually... that is exactly what I did in my second code piece and it didn't work.  That code fragment is executed after a piece of dialog.  The dialog appropriately executes the scene but the event is not executed when the scene is over.


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