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TFGS: one-year contest: deep ocean theme. End date: 18 June 2016


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Over on the TFGS, a new contest is up:



It's up right now to keep things going and keep people interested. It's got fourteen months this time, so devs can put a couple of months into polishing current ones and still have a year to enter this one or start right now.

The more people enter, the better.


The theme is "deep ocean." There'll probably be a lot of adult content because it's TFGS. There's likely to be some transformation, too, because it's TFGS.


Nothing there to play *now* of course, as it only just went up. I'll add links to the games' threads as they appear.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Over on the TFGS, a new contest is up. I'll add links to the games' threads as they appear.


Two entries so far:


Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea: http://www.tfgamessite.com/phpbb3/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=6485

Ocean of Cola: http://www.tfgamessite.com/phpbb3/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=6513&p=216568#p216568


The previous one started in March '14 and ran until March '15, and got entries announced in August, January and February. This one's got until June '16 and already has two games up. I find this encouraging.

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