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Dialogue question regarding random responses


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If I create a topic... Player says, "something"


and then I create 4 random responses.


Can EACH of those responses link to a different Topic as the next topic?


I would LIKE to have the random responses go to separate Topics... AND... I'd like them to be invisible continues. 


Can that be done or will this Topic always progress to the FIRST invisible link even though the line wasn't spoken.


So like:


Random response A ---link (invisible) to--- TopicA2

Random response B ---link (invisible) to--- TopicB2

Random response C ---link (invisible) to--- TopicC2

Random response D ---link (invisible) to--- TopicD2


I am trying to do this such that TopicA2, and B2, etc... each have a different animation that will play appropriate to the NPC's response.




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I think you can simply crate your branch,

then add the four topic inside and make them random.

Then create 4 different other topics and link a topic of the main branch to the corresponding second topic.

Then make the links invisible continue.


But I did not try it, so do not expect I am 100% right.

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OK... reading... and I think I might be misunderstanding how to use the "Random" feature.

I thought I was setting the random flag on each line of a RESPONSE. 


From the reading I'm doing it looks like I have to do something like this:



TopicA, TopicB, TopicC, TopicD


"Topic Text" for all of them is the same... like.."What should we do?" <---that's my player speaking.


Each has a different response from the NPC. And each links to another Topic just for that response.


Mark TopicA "Random", TopicB "Random", TopicC "Random", TopicD "Random End"


And.... this isn't making sense either because what governs the sequence of reading the topics? I mean... What if it hits the "Random End" Topic before it reads TopicC or something....


ok I'm officially confused.


I was looking at a Stables dialogue in the CK (from vanilla game) The opening Topic "Can I buy a horse?" when displayed in CK in Dialogue view, looks more like a table. And each response line links to a different line in either the ACCEPT or REJECT Topics. But I don't see any of them marked "Random".



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So... a TOPIC is random? Not the responses within it?


I tried marking responses as random but if I highlight one, and enable Random... when I move to the next response, it is ALSO marked Random. 

This is just... weird... :)


The check-boxes apply for the entire Topic Info, the responses don't have their own each.


If you want to make an NPC's reply random, each reply needs their own topic.



And.... this isn't making sense either because what governs the sequence of reading the topics? I mean... What if it hits the "Random End" Topic before it reads TopicC or something....


What governs the sequence of topic selection is their order.


Under normal circumstances, when your dialogue links to a topic with multiple topic infos, the game will scan the list from top to bottom, checking the conditions of each one. It'll continue checking downwards until it finds a topic info where the conditions yield true. At that point, the search is over, and this topic info is selected as the one to proceed with the dialogue.


When you add topic infos with the Random flag enabled, things work pretty much the same, with one exception: if the first topic info to yield true is of type Random, it won't immediately be selected for the dialogue. Instead, the game will add this topic to a list, and keep scanning the additional topic infos present. At this point, one of three things can happen:


  • The next topic Info is also of type Random. It will get added to the list as well, and the scanning process continues.
  • The next topic Info is of type Random End, or we've run out of topic infos to check. We'll take the list of Random Topic Infos we've been filling, and we'll randomly select one of them to use as the dialogue progression.
  • The next topic info is NOT of type Random or RandomEnd. The list we had been making is discarded, and we pick this topic info to proceed with the dialogue.


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Got it.


I didn't truly understand the structure


Branch contains Topics

Topics contain Infos

Infos contain responses


Where I was getting tripped up is that I could not figure out how to create a 2nd (or 3rd or...) INFO for a Topic.


but... I stumbled into it apparently... and I've succesfully set a Topic with 4 INfos (random) and each info does the invisible continue to a Topic is only linked to that one Info before it.


So my PC is basically giving the NPC a choice (the random responses) and upon one being selected the dialogue goes in a direction based on that random info.


It's kind of cool actually. LOTS of possibilities.... again... hehehe

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If you want finer control over random topics, you can also use the GetRandomPercent condition in addition to the Random flag.


For example, let's say you have 3 topic infos marked as Random, but want one of the topics infos to be much rarer than the other two. If you set GetRandomPercent( =<20 ) in that topic, it'll only qualify to be selected 1 out of 5 times that the topic is linked to, giving it around 0.33 * 0.20 = 0.066, or 6.6% chance of being selected.

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