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Dragon age: Inquisition - Online Multiplayer Team Play! [WIP]

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The LL Army


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A WIP thread made to see if the idea of teammates is strong within the Dragon Age: Inquisition multilplayer community






Online multilplayer hints, tips, secrets, and overall guides to success are what this thread is all about. We need players ready for war!


If you know you will be all over Dragon Age: Inquisition MP, I am ready to lead, or follow, a team of experienced DA fans through the DAI MP experience.


The game has been on my mind since the release of DA2, and the moment they said "Multiplayer", I thought of Mass Effect 3. If this game even comes to ME3's multiplayer, I will spooge.


That said, I am: 100Beezys on Origin. If you are anywhere near the DA fan I am, you will want to be a part of LL's only Exclusive Online Multiplayer Army!


#The LL Army


This is also a good place for things like Twitch to be mentioned, as there are tournaments and such there.


I'd like to publicly record a video (YouTube or it's equivalent) of our multiplayer experience, if at all possible. Anyone with video uploading experience would be quite welcome to give us all a hand in it's orchestration.


My name is not AwfulArchdemon for no reason. This is it. My game. My Bioware passion. I bought a PC because I could mod Dragon Age. I continue to play on PC in faith that modding has not died here due to the Frostbite engine, and because controller support has been resurrected.



How to Register:


State your Origin name. Once I see it, I'll add it to the list below. You can add notes, if you wish, and I'll add those, but I won't post complicated schedules.


Example: InYoMama @ 420SmokeTime - weekdays, 3pm - 8pm




Players registered:


  1. AwfulArchdemon @ 100Beezys - afternoon - night (no Wed)
  2. ?




Registry is open to all who are:


  • serious fans of DA, and are dying to see what muliplayer is like with a coordinated team. It's always nice to be prepared.
  • interested in seeing what the big deal is about. Inexperienced players who found the advertising alluring should have a few friends to make their first experience a great one.
  • interested in recording online play via YouTube or any site they find awesome.
  • normally Single-Player fans, looking to play in unfamiliar territory with others who also wish to enjoy a real Team of 1-P RPG genre sympathizers. I'm a natural skeptic when it comes to introducing a game as obviously 'Single Player' as DA to the online multiplayer scene, but I'm not apposed to the idea...


Thread Rules:


  1. No posting everyone's Origin IDs on other threads. If references must be made, link this thread's OP url to the page.
  2. No game discouragement. If you don't like DA games, or have a problem with EA/Bioware in general, do not post about it here.
  3. No tech support questions. This is not the place to ask questions about how to fix a bug you found in-game.
  4. No modding questions. This thread has nothing to do with mods, as it is a multiplayer only page.
  5. No uploads of mods. There is a section for mods, and this isn't it.
  6. No links. This thread is for guidance through personal experience, and for finding other available players.
  7. All LL site rules apply! Don't be a dick! Don't talk shit on DA, other members, or *me! (*You can PM me for that :P)

The 'Players Registered' list, needless to say, will be edited with each member added to my LL Army Registry. Soldiers may 'Discharge', if they want.





You must be willing to install Origin, if you haven't already. I'm sorry.


About having a quality internet connection: it goes without saying that some people's gameplay have been ruined by others' crashing all the time. Fortunately, this wasn't much of a problem for Mass Effect 3, so I'm hopeful.


As for companionship, do I need to say it? If you want to play the game, and you are like me; afraid there will no one online ready to play exactly what you want at the time, then we can coordinate here.


It's the type of thread I've always wanted; somewhere you can say, "I'll be playing for the next 2 hours", and someone else can say, "Me too! See ya soon!".



I have the Official Strategy Guide, so I may prove useful, if you need very "specific" help that only a guide could provide.



We can:


  1. Schedule playtime. I'm usually available in the afternoon - evening.
  2. Set up Tournaments! We can be fully prepared to play at a specific time, and even tell each other where we plan on fighting, and how we plan on doing it.
  3. Help each other get secret achievements! I know there are always online multiplayer achievements for any game that has MP, and I tend to miss some. That wouldn't have happened if I had a thread like this!
  4. Know who has a headset, and who doesn't. It's sometimes good to know exactly who may be able to tell you when they, or YOU, are in trouble!
  5. Help! Maybe you know someone, or ARE someone, who just started, and need help. I'll help. Will you?



What to post about:



Registry! Your Origin name puts on the roster. This let's us keep in contact when we're ready to kick some ass online.


Do you want to play online with someone you know, and would like to have each member on a single thread, ready to play at a specified time? Use this as a sort of "chat room" to let others know you're ready. We can know what to expect if we can just say "I'm ready! Who wants to join?" *For members like this, I suggest 'Following' this thread, so you'll know right away if someone's playing, or has important info.


Are you just looking for more Origin Friends to keep in contact with? 'Registering' will put their Origin name on the list, along side their LL name, as mine is.


Obviously, you need to add you Origin name to be 'Registered'. There is no need to say who you actually are, where you're from, or anything else.


If you know where a bug/glitch can be found on a MP map, please post about it! We could all benefit from a good head's up on buggy territory.


If you know of a particular player online who is obviously cheating his ass off, you can feel free to post his punk-ass name here, so I can avoid him.


If you know a very good way of strategically taking/defending an area, including race combinations, and effective spells/talents, strategy is welcome.


If you saw something so awesome on MP that you just can't contain yourself, go ahead and tell us about it. No harm in showing others what's great about DAI MP.


I'm open to ideas! If you know of a way this thread can better satisfy members looking to find teammates, let me know. Anything for DA fans!


Most of all, let's build an Army! I've been waiting for DA3 for a long time, and now that it's multiplayer, I plan on getting the most out of it! Therefore, I'd love to know who our DA fans are here on LL, and would like to team up with everyone. I want to know I've got reinforcements. Don't you?







Organize          Coordinate          Synchronize          Recruit


Form Allies          Form Enemies          Form Friendships          Form Teams


Create Schedules          Create Winning Combinations          Create Factions          Create Amazing videos



I'm a huge fan of Dragon Age, and I'm ready to take the fight online! Will you join my Army?








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Multiplayer works like this:




You choose a character from some preset classes/races. You level up as you do in single player. You are allowed 4 abilities at once, and a set of potions, poisons, and explosives.


You choose form a few different areas to fight in. Each comes with "waves" of enemies, sectioned off into different rooms. Somtimes you will need a specific class to open a door. For example, I've been needed a few times to kick down a brick wall with my dwarven Legion of the Dead character (love doing that!).




You acquire items via chests found on the multiplayer maps, but finding an item in a chest, instead of gold, is fairly rare. You save the gold you find during battles, and can spend the gold you've gathered to buy 'Chests' at the Store. You can also opt to buy Potions, if you find you are running through them all. Chests and Potions can be bought using found gold, or real money, by purchasing bulk in-game currency right there at the store.




You will want to use the best gear possible! Pay attention to armors and weapons you find/buy. Equip the best gear you have, or suffer the consequences.


Your weapons can have runes added to them to boost their effectiveness in combat. When you equip a rune, it is there permanently, and can not be replaced without destroying the currently equipped rune, like DAO.




When you play, take note of what types of players your teammates are using, so you know what sort of position to take on the battlefield. If you are the only tank, you'll want to keep an eye on your teammates, so they don't have their mages and archers torn apart by melee enemies.


One important thing to remember is to stay near your team. Do not wander off and get killed. Sometimes others will need to you to use your special door-unlock abilities to open the next path, or maybe that room has treasure in it.


After you fight through an area, you will come across a healing font. Activating it will heal the entire party, and will relocate party members who are way off in another room somewhere, to the font with everyone else. Then you make your way to the next room.


After you beat the whole area, you will have to defend your position! This means horde mode is engaged! Prepare yourself for a fight with a million enemies, but pay special attention to one particular enemy. Somewhere in the mix, there is a boss who must be dealt with. He is your traditional OP damage sponge, so play it safe when you're dealing with him. Defeating all of these enemies will earn your team the victory!


Equip your potions and such before battle, and assign them a hotkey on the quick map. I recommend making a Health Potion your default item, to be assigned to the RB button on your controller. You are allowed 2 potions, so use them wisely.


Should you or another party member fall on the battlefield, another member can hold [A] on that character to 'Revive' them. You are allowed 3 Revives.


Stick together, support each other, loot everything, and be aware of dying members, and you should be pretty successful.


Low-level characters (especially new players) will need to play on 'Routine' at first, or they will be annihilated terribly on the battlefield. Do not try to be a hero! On that note, do not try to play alone! You will get your ass waxed! This game is not like Mass Effect 3. There is no chance of victory with only one player on the field. You have been warned.




Loot is shared among all players, no matter who finds it. Therefore, you should take everything you find, unless someone else is grabbing it already. This applies to items as well. It is undetermined as of now whether each player will get the exact same item from rare chests, but you do all get an item.


Loot will mostly be hidden inside of smashable objects, so smash everything that is marked with a white, glowing [+] on it. Sometimes, if I am using a tank, a mage will smash all objects near me, and I will pick the loot right up, so as to save time. Teamwork is alive and well in Dragon Age: Inquisition.



Register today!

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Strategy Analysis:



Come prepared! Equip your best gear, and your strongest attacks, unless you know you'll need maneuverability more than strength for your next fight. Each player has a way to jump out of harm's way, but sometimes, you'd rather have a powerful attack in it's place. Think ahead, and pay attention to the rest of your team. It is not a good idea to use 4 Legionnaires, Archers, or any other classes. Variety can be a huge benefit to your overall effectiveness, so if you see 2 Keepers, choose something else.




The difficulty of the game varies a bit. More specifically, some enemies are more dangerous than others You may find a tank who is really strong, and can pulverize you fairly quickly, but he can be held back by tricking him into preparing for a swing, and moving away before he can land the strike. This is where one tank, and a team of ranged fighters comes in handy.


You may fight an enemy who can teleport to you, hidden underground, and pop up right where you're standing, usually killing you, and anyone right beside you entirely, even if you are blocking.




Playing on Routine is pretty easy for a smart, cooperative team, but bosses are always capable of killing you all, if you're not extremely careful. It is not possible to defeat a whole mission on your own. You'll be crushed by the boss, and/or all his minions, even at max level, no matter what your level, skills, armor, or weapon. It may not be entirely impossible, but in 20+ tries, I've never gotten to the boss alone, even with my Legionnaire. If I did, I'm sure I'd be slaughtered by the army of enemies. It's not so easy to block 8 attacks at the same time, especially when one of them is a boss, with strength beyond measure.


Playing on a higher difficulty is barely noticeable unless you choose Perilous. Enemies on that difficulty are damage sponges with a more aggressive fighting style. To defeat Perilous, you must have a (Keeper or 2) on your team. You're so very dead otherwise. This is because a Keeper has the ability to call a vortex to drag all enemies to one spot, leaving them wide open to an AOE attack. A Legionnaire is excellent in this situation.


Team Selection:


If a second Keeper is present, she can cast a lightning storm that compliments the vortex rather well. If your team casts both, and an Archer uses his explosive shot, while the Legionnaire uses his deadliest AOE moves in sequence, there is little chance the enemy will have any survivors, even on Perilous.


Also, a Keeper can add a barrier to a team. This eliminates all damage done to your whole team until the barrier wears off. If you are careful enough with your Legionnaire to have built your Armor gauge up (by blocking attacks), and you have been given a barrier, you can leap right into a severely dangerous situation and live to tell about it. Just don't get too cocky. This will not be quite as effective on Perilous, as enemies do far more damage. The technique is still mandatory though, so if you plan on playing on Perilous, you'd better play wisely.


The good news about Keepers is, the Barrier can be repeatedly applied, leaving your whole team invulnerable to damage. The bad news is, this could get boring for any using a Keeper, since you'll only be able to add the Barrier repeatedly if you are not using any other spells, as this would use enough magic to leave you waiting for the magic gauge to refill enough to recast the spell, adding a break in the Barrier long enough for enemies to take advantage of that window.


The worst part is, your team won't know you're going to leave an opening, so they may be blindsided by this unexpected break in invulnerability, and get hit hard, unless you have a headset turned on, and can warn people of any changes in strategy.


Kill or be killed:


Attacking long before the enemy sees you is always a good idea. The only drawback to that course of action is using a Legionnaire kind of requires you to have at least some of your Armor gauge up, in order to have a "safety net". Without it, you will always take damage.


If you're good enough, you can make it through a whole mission without even taking damage! Building your Armor gauge up requires you to block attacks though, so if someone hits an enemy with an arrow, the whole crowd is likely to target the character that initiated the fight. This means they won't be attacking you, and you may find yourself standing there with your shield ready, while everyone else is taking care of them. This is time you could have spent fighting, so you may wish to rush into danger before anyone else can hit them if your Legionnaire needs more armor, if only so the enemy spots you first.


Ranged Enemies:


If you are being pummeled by arrows, a Legionnaire can simply block the arrows, which is the easiest way to build your Armor gauge, but not the fastest. Blocking a strong melee attack can take your Armor gauge all the way up in one hit, if the enemy is strong enough.


Any other fighter will want to dodge these arrows, or use ranged stun attacks, or attacks that disable the enemy's ability to fight or defend. Fro example, the Archer has an ability that let's him leap out of harm's way (He's not the only one. Some can roll or fly out of the way). He also has a move that fires an explosive arrow that puts his enemy on the ground.


The Final Battle:


Sometimes, position is everything during the final battle. Many times (if not every time), it is best to send one player out to place the Inquisition banner in it's place, while the rest of the team waits at the very entrance for your (hopefully) safe return. Upon returning, the whole team will prepare to wait for a ton of enemies to approach. Once they get close, all Hell breaks loose on the enemy! They have more reason to fear you than you have to fear them. Just need to use strategy. Sometimes strategy costs time, but in this case, it saves a lot of time, if done right.



Plan your attacks well, and your whole team could technically make it through each match completely unharmed! Don't count on it though. It's not always that easy...

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Oh my Goodness really? People won't post their Origin names? You know you can change them whenever your heart desires, right?


Anyway, I'm looking to fight on the hardest difficulty, but I need to upgrade my Archer just a level or 2 beforehand, but he's a beast for sure now, and ready for action!


I trust there is someone up for the challenge? I'm tired of Threatening difficulty. It pays very well to keep winning at it, but I want to beat the best!


Please join me for a Real Battle!


I'd prefer to invite 'Friends', so if you play online all the time, kick ass, and want to try the hardest level, I am ready! Just need 1 or 2 fights to get to level 17.


'Registering' here let's me call on you specifically in a 'Private' Match, which is kind of rare, since many do not trust Origin to be on their computer, and also do not "make friends" much.


I want to Game! Any takers? I'll be home at about 10:00 pm on Thursday (Thanksgiving), and looking to burn off some turkey through epic gameplay (I said it, tru Gamer)


Best bet: A Keeper, a Legionnaire, and an Assassin. I got the bow.


Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!




Fuck him! Shoot to kill!



Bang!!  --->  turkey-blast-reloaded-5-45580-l-48x48.pn




Nice. +28 Gold. :sleepy:

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Controls are decent. A lot like DA2 but with a slightly different feel to it. You can tell you are playing on a different engine, but that's not necessarily good or bad, it just "is".


It may take some time to really understand it, but once you've gotten the hang of the new play-style, you'll be fine.


Both SP and MP are about grinding. Kill kill kill. SP feels exactly like a MMO. I wouldn't be surprised if EA added an online SP Co-op, to play together through game missions. The game appears to be fully set up for it.


I haven't encountered problems with the controls, but I'm using a controller, and I recommend getting one. It's been recommended on other sites, too, as some claim control is quirky and rough to manage on a keyboard/mouse.

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As I said, 10:00 on Thursday. Ready to Game. Anyone ready for the hardest level? I just have to go respond to PMs on Nexus, and I'll be jumping strait into MP. I'll likely play a match or 2 on Threatening, just to get to level 19, and I'll go set up a Perilous Match. Would prefer a Private session, which is why I'm here posting about it. Better than having random people pop in and out.


I'll check back just before I play to see if we have any 'Registries'. Gotta be someone besides me ready to rock on Perilous. If someone just wants to level up a bit, just send a msg to me on Origin, so I can see it during gameplay, and I'll set up a lower level match. That's fine with me, as I want to level up other characters anyway. ;)

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Less issues than on PC, I prepared myself knowing BioWare and bought the console version. Got all sorts of weird shit playing DAO on PC too, so they didn't get me this time ! Except for some rare crashes when I really spam the map travel and change locations like, 15 times in 30 seconds, I haven't seen that much issues. 


Slow framerate on cutscenes though, looks like they capped it at 30 for some reasons, I know it can be fixed on PC but on Xbone, it's impossible. Oh and sometimes, a dude can get stuck during a cutscene, and you'll have to skip some discussions so it can work again, unfortunately it happened on two of the quests I happened to love the most ; the romance with Cassandra and the one with the Grey Wardens in the Western Approach. Hope they fix it soon so I can enjoy my second game fully. 


But overall, nothing that even compares to other recent games on Xbone like AC Unity or BF 4. 0 lag on multiplayer, 0 crashes, saw some players from my party teleport once but it must've been their crappy internet. 

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Slow framerate on cutscenes though, looks like they capped it at 30 for some reasons


It was their way of making lip-syncing more accurate. Lips must have moved too fast for the dialogue with a 59+ framerate. I disabled the limiter. Haven't noticed anything wrong.

I know it can be fixed on PC but on Xbone, it's impossible


That's one of the main reasons I bought it on PC. With Xbone, you have to rely on an update. There's usually a way or 2 to fix issues on PC yourself.

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Still, the slow fps is barely noticeable anyway (and I haven't got that crazy a PC to be honest). 

Dude, I'm awfully hooked to this game. I can't believe how much the story seems to change once you modify some events in the Dragon Keep and change your Inquisitor's race and class, it's fucking awesome. I could replay this game all the way to Witcher 3, and even get some more after that. Fuck it I'm gonna play this 'till Fallout 4. 

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I'm starting to have doubts about that 'Keep'. In my game, some girl said something about Alistair ruling Ferelden, but in my DAO, and according to the info I exported at the Keep, he was executed, and Logain is still alive, with Anora as Queen.


If I see my character from DA2 and it's it's someone else, I'm gonna start the game over, and be sure to go back to the Keep to double-check things.


Also, it didn't recognize my last saved character. Only the first one. Stupid. It said this stuff was exported to my game...

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Eh, now that you tell me about it,

this bitch Leliana is still alive. I haven't played a lot of DA II since that game is pure crap, and I didn't know she fucking came back.

I completely forgot about it, but in DAO I had her die using a Walking Bomb, she was reduced to red powder. How the fuck is she back ?? They may need to strengthen their system a bit, yes. I've seen most modifications work though, like the stories about the Urn, or who the Hero of Ferelden romanced. So there's that. 

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Oh yeah! If you taint the ashes with dragon blood, she and Wynne will both turn on you, and you'll have to kill them! And Leliana is around no matter what in 2 and 3. Bad writing.


Had to start a new game due to the Keep not getting shit right. I was using a mage, but mages are fucking pussies in DAI, so I'm going back in with the only character with a chance of winning a fight, a warrior. This game's difficulty is incredibly high, and no one can survive a hit from any enemy...except for a warrior. Attempted to make an elf, but the game won't stop crashing at the very beginning when I try to use an elf, so that's out. Qunari it is then.


Keep still isn't finding my saved character. It sees my first one, but not the other 2. I actually removed the one it keeps finding, and it still lists it in the Keep. Is this thing fucking retarded!? I REMOVED the save, and the Keep still sees only that character, and NOT the ones that are actually there?? I started DA2 with the character I want the Keep to see, and made another save to ensure the Keep couldn't possibly miss it, and now it's seeing something from the past, that has since been removed, and totally ignoring the one's that are still there, in plain sight.


If you're not gonna include the option to import old saves, at least make sure the Keep can see your damn characters! Come on Bioware!

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Had to start a new game due to the Keep not getting shit right. I was using a mage, but mages are fucking pussies in DAI, so I'm going back in with the only character with a chance of winning a fight, a warrior. This game's difficulty is incredibly high, and no one can survive a hit from any enemy...except for a warrior. Attempted to make an elf, but the game won't stop crashing at the very beginning when I try to use an elf, so that's out. Qunari it is then.



Lol no ! Finished the game in nightmare with a mage ! Around level 13 you get some smooth subclasses. One of them is Knight Enchanter for the mages, and it's even more OP than Arcane Warrior in DAO ... In short you get this melee attack with really low mp cost, plus a passive that builds a shield every time a spell connects. You also get a bonus from the fire tree which consumes a part of your shield to replenish your mana. In short, you can spam spells + you get an infinite shield. Check it out on google, I chose it by pure coincidence before realizing it's the most OP class in the game. 


(Killed a dragon level 19, I was level 13 and alone on nightmare, "twas awesome.)

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Level 13, eh? Just reached 8, so that's about...5,000 fights to go. My story's all messed up anyway.


See, when I started, I chose to 'Import Local World', thinking that meant save data from before. I thought perhaps the Keep worked by being a mediator that reads your past info, and adds the info to your DAI, which is why I was happy when it said "Imported successfully". Noticed some things off when I played, so I went to the actual Keep, and lo and behold, I had to manually set each event. I did do, and exported, and it told me it was in my game, so I thought "Cool, I can still do it!", but I misread. It said "Your new data will be used when you start a New Game".


Thus, I have to start over. There were some bad decisions on the Keep's default setup. Like DLCs I had weren't setup, and I romanced no one, etc.


I remember fighting a dragon at level 7. A fireball erased my team, so I went back in ready to dodge them, and he flapped his wings. He flapped his wings, and everyone died. I gave up on him after about 30 tries.


I'm on day 7 of trying to beat this rift, but I think I'm just gonna start over. There's no fixing the issue about the old DA data not being set up, and I don't want to know what Hawke looks like as the Keep's default. I would angrily shut the game off right there if it was default Garret.


Also, still trying to solve the issue of why the Keep can't find my latest saved characters. I removed the only one it was seeing, so the other characters are the only one's in the saves folder, and it's still showing the same removed character. Something's wrong with the Keep, and it needs to find this character before I can play again.

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See I don't have that kind of issue with the Keep, I manually put all the info I needed in it, everything I remembered from my DAO game, and I just randomly chose events for DA2 after reading shitload of wikia pages about it. Kinda liked male Hawke's default face too, so that isn't a problem for me ! But I understand why that would piss you off, I'd be too if I still had my DAO save and if the Warden you play in it actually showed up in DA-I.


Hate DA 2 so much I got all the characters from that game killed/enslaved with the Dragon Keep, fuck all of them they're no friends of mine. And Isabella looks nothing like how I pictured she'd look like with better graphics in DAO, so screw her let her be a Qunari sex slave. Varric's okay though, but I hope they aren't going to make him appear again in the next DA, 2 in a row is more than enough. 

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So did it work or what ? 

I'm considering getting DAO and DA2 on PC, finishing them with mods, and then playing Dragon Age Inquisition again. Do you think it's worth it ? Never modded BioWare games before, except for some stuff on Baldur's Gate 2, I don't know if I'm going to be disappointed or what. Gameplay is going to feel like fucking a dead corpse, yikes. 

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Yes, it worked. My Keep sees all now. Had to turn on Cloud Storage, and reinstall Origin.


DAO on PC is well worth it. Some of the mods really are great. DA2 on PC has mods too, but no quest mods. Still, better than having it on Xbox.


DAI on PC...that's a tricky one. I'm crashing like a mofucker at the beginning stages of the game, and I cannot create an elf to save my life. I can make a qunari, but I haven't tried to make a dwarf yet. Human almost always works. I'm sure a patch will be released, though.


No idea what to expect from modding on DAI. I've heard EA say the engine does not prevent modding, and it should still be possible, but I have heard everyone say the F3 engine simply has no modding tools, and therefore people won't be able to make mods for it. The first 2 had mods, so the third better too. It would be a shame to think a game that was quite moddable would devolve to an unmoddable game.

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The Importance of Keepers in Dragon Age: Inquisition






One thing I must mention is the importance of Keepers in this game's MP. I am currently building one right now, and I've played Perilous a few times, and if you do not have at least one Keeper on the Team, you are doomed for failure.


If you walk into battle with 4 Keepers, you cannot be defeated. It would be impossible, so long as each teammate uses there Barriers in sequence. In-sync.


If everyone knows what the other is capable of, and the tank does not always charge in before the Keeper casts Barrier, everyone has a much higher chance of survival on Perilous. A Necromancer is not capable of casting Barrier, so everone start a Keeper, and have them ready for situations where your Team needs a Keeper, but no one else has one made. This will make life easier for everyone, including yourself, as dying is no one's friend.


That said, people cannot be charging into other rooms without "permission" from the rest of the Team, especially the Keeper, as the Keeper has the responsibility of caring for the Team, and others should always have faith in the Keeper. If you are entering an obviously dangerous fight, and you are nearing the end, huddle-up to the Keeper, no matter what class you are, and it will be very apparent to the Keeper that now is the time to cast Barrier.


Barrier is the most important spell in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Period.


So, to recap, stay near the Keeper when things are obviously getting serous, and give them a moment, if you know they've cast Barrier recently, as they are simply recharging, and every good Keeper knows that Barrier should always be used if it's available.


Barrier prevents all damage, but it acts as a replacer for the damage taken, and will be depleted when it is repeatedly attacked.






Now recruiting! Register today!

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I did it! I beat Perilous with a Keeper! There were 2 on my Team, of course. My Team and I beat Perilous twice in a row, in fact. it was glorious! B) Ready to Promote my third character.


Promoting a Keeper gives you +1 Willpower for all characters, whereas Promoting a Legionnaire gives you +1 Constitution, and Promoting an Archer will give you +1 Cunning, etc. Eventually, your whole roster will be tough-as-nails, and ready for the Platinum difficulty, whenever it's released.

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