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A perk about SA; It's not what you think


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I've been thinking about a perk called "Sex Appeal" - it's not what you think. This is a roleplay perk for late in the Speech Tree, designed to actually give a realistic reason for why your character is running around with barely any clothes on.

However, I don't think I could make it myself, so I'm going to outline it here, and hope someone will make it for me. I'm giving up all credit for the mod, though it would be nice to be at least mentioned if someone does make it.


In it's simplest form, the perk is like an upgraded version of the vanilla "Allure" perk (which gives a boost to bartering with vendors of the opposite sex). With this perk, your character has figured out how to use sex appeal to get what they want from characters of the opposite sex. The perk gives a speech boost when dealing with the opposite sex based on what armor the character is wearing. Heavy armor gives barely any boost, light armor gives a decent boost, and wearing only clothes gives the highest boost. I don't see how it could be made to recognize whether the clothes/armor has been slutified, so the player is just going to have to rely on RP to fill in that gap.

The perk also has an effect in combat, as opposite-sex enemies will be less willing to hit the player, and thus do less damage. Again, this is based on armor type, so going to battle in less armor is actually better when fighting enemies of the opposite sex.

However (and this is what makes the perk balanced), the perk has the exact opposite effect on same-sex characters.

Most women don't like women who rely heavily on sex appeal (at least I think), while men don't like competition. As such, same sex characters will become more hostile, have speech penalties instead of bonuses, and actually do more damage in combat. This, too, is dependent on armor-type.

A final note is that going naked actually results in a penalty to speech with both genders, as it's interpreted as "trying to hard", which isn't appealing at all. As for combat... Well, let's say that going up against a furious Nord wielding a giant axe in your birthday suit isn't going to end well no matter how much sex appeal you have. (no penalty, no bonus)


That's basically it. I'd love to hear what people think about it, and I hope someone actually decides to make it.


{PS: I wasn't sure what to put this in, so I put it in the Non-Adult section. If that was a mistake, please move it or tell me if I have to move it myself.} 

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