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HDT female pregnancy belly node


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Hi, I have a little problem concerning my female character's belly node.

The pregnant belly node works fine when the character is pregnant, but it won't disappear after the pregnancy.

Simply, Beeing female marks her not pregnant while the pregnant belly is still there. Any idea how to fix this? Thanks.

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Hi, I have a little problem concerning my female character's belly node.

The pregnant belly node works fine when the character is pregnant, but it won't disappear after the pregnancy.

Simply, Beeing female marks her not pregnant while the pregnant belly is still there. Any idea how to fix this? Thanks.


HDT_PE does not affect the belly node's scaling or the scaling of any nodes, only the movement. It also does not affect any variables of other mods. It is a standalone plug-in that can be added and removed without any adverse affects. I would advise you to check at the Beeing Female mod page and bring your question there as it seems to be an issue with the mod itself, not the HDT Physics Extension system.


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