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ATI hd5770 good card?


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I've been using an HIS HD5770 for ~year now and it's been fine for just about any game. I won't lie and tell you that you're going to run any game on the market right now at max/very high (that'd be insane if you could for $100) but it handled Skyrim just fine for me (nearly max settings, anywhere from 20-40 fps when the game was just released), and as for other games they may require some tweaking and such but for those most part you'll be able to use High settings. Crysis 2 ran perfectly fine on near max. Mind you, that game was actually optimized pretty well.


It's funny you should mention your old card because I upgraded from an EVGA 8800GT because in terms of second opinions I'm just who you're looking for, haha. Anyways, I don't think it was a mistake because it's got great bang for the buck in my opinion. You'll still be playing the same kinds of games others are whereas they shelled out more than double your price for their GFX card.


Hope this helped.

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@ 100 buck it was a great performance per dollar ratio. While there are obviously better cards available, its a great card for the price. As stated above, it should perform well for most games but don't expect a 100 dollar miracle. While I prefer nvidia cards personally, I wont deny that there are lots of ATi cards that are excellent performers that won't kill your budget like their nvidia counterparts will.

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well i just got it and i already installed it. tryed skyrim all maxed out. and... performs MUCH BETTER than the old card i had. i know its obvious becouse this card have 1 gb of video memory, but, for the price, totally worth it. the performance increase its just... amazing. iwas sad before because i was able to play skyrim but with too much lag. now its playable. well, thanks for the tips and ill get some fun now, ill test other games like crysis 2 and witcher 2.

does anyone know another game that will be worth to test the performance?


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You can also download and run 3dmark11 (the basic version is free). It will run the card through some different levels of graphical demands and report to you the fps with various shaders used. It also has a physx test that tests your cpu, which I normally overlook. The thing I like most is it gives you a graph that scales your performance against other tested pc's using the same or close to the same products so you can see if somethings off in your settings. This is just a benchmark though so you shouldn't take the results as seriously as an actual fps sceen in games under normal playing loads. You can get it @ www.futuremark.com

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I have FORCE 3D HD 5750 and it runs pretty well any new game, Skyrim runs fast on 1920x1080 resolution and everything on high. Also the 5770 is much more faster then 5750, so go for it or save money like me currently and get yourself costier hd 6950 or cheaper 6850 which is alot better.


EDIT : oh you already got it. NVM.

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