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How would I go about editing the mesh for this armor?

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I've never really done any mesh work before; I've imported a New Vegas armor into Blender a long time ago, but could not succesfully port it back in. Stuff is far too complex for me.


Anyways, I was going to edit this: http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/mods/110/images/16977-1-1345731982.jpg And finish the pants (Just add clothes on the crotch and maybe the back, to make it a bit more to my tastes). My question is... how exactly would I go about doing that? Could I just drag vertices to do it? do I need to add new pieces entirely? And finally, do I need to edit the UV maps?


Sorry if I sound so noobish; like I said, I'm HORRIBLE at this kind of stuff, and it's a bit hard to find a super dumbed-down tutorial, as most expect you to have some decent modelling experience.

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