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Unable to go certain cities


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Hey all, just thought I would post this in here, recently I have noticed I was unable to enter Whiterun. Every time I went to whiterun the game CTDs. Funny part was I could fast travel to dragons reach and be fine. Makes no sense right? Wait, it gets better...


So I ignore the issue as dragons reach was working fine. A few days ago I could no longer fast travel to dragon's reach with out CTD. So now its Whiterun and Dragons reach. Theres more! I still ignore it as I'm trying to take some decent screen shots for another member to show off his armor set. I wake up this morning and go in to my game and I can not fast travel anywhere nor can I enter or exit any cities. The only traveling I can do with out a CTD is ~coc qasmoke. Once there I can't go anywhere else or, yup... you guessed it, CTD.


So I pulled all my mods out and update my save game in wrye and enter the game, try to leave qasmoke area and CTD.


I put in the disk and select reinstall and it said 8 files were invalid and needed to be redownloaded.

Seeing that all the mods are not installed in the bsa's, how is it possible that they were corrupted?

Any ideas?


*Edit* Well, redownloading the corrupted BSA files allows me to go back in to cities and fast travel where ever I want. All my mods are back in their proper place and its all working fine again although I still have no clue as to what actually caused the corruption.

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Usually a CTD can muck up files that were being accessed by the computer at that time. My autosaves from F1 2011 were instantly corrupted whenever I had a CTD or BSOD. That essentially made the game crash or unable to log in with my account unless I delete them. Looks like Bethesda didn't program a fail-safe as other companies would to safe guard files should a crash happen.

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