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HiyokoGenerator Problem


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ehh sorry for this noobie thread... But really I dont know what can I do:( Always works fine but I cant be a pregnant... I have a sperm in bag and fertilized ovum in bag... but this fertilized ovum always dye in 5 day of mentruation (luteal phase) but I read that to be pregnant this fertilized ovum mist live to 7 day of mentruation. I dont know what can I do? Or just tell me what is the chance to survive this fertilized ovum to 7th day...Maybe this fertilized ovum always die because sperm always die... So maybe you know the best way to be pregnant? I want child:) Or maybe command to make ovum and sperm more living? I will be grateful for any help


PS. sorry for my English:)

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The standard lifespan for the sperm is 48 hours, for the ovum is 24 hours.

To get pregnant you need a fertilized ovum in your bag during the lutheal phase, that means during days 5-6-7 of the menstruation.

In the lutheal phase, every 4 hours the script checks for the presence of a fertilized (and living) ovum, and gives a random (based on percentages) answer if that ovum should implant (conception).


Lifespan for sperm and ovum is also influenced by other factors: the higher the levels of parents, the stronger and more durable the cells will be (and the fertilized ovum as well).


You can edit the TamagoClub.ini file to improve the chances of conception and good delivery, and be sure to DON'T USE the TamagoBreak esp.


Search these lines in TamagoClub.ini :


;Fertilization rate / 4h [%]

set a4tc.FertilizationRate to 7.0 ; <

;Implantation (conception) rate / 4h [%]

set a4tc.ConceptionRate to 10.0 ; <


If (and only if) you are at low level, you can change the lifespan values higher, modify the LAST number in the lines (ie. 2 to 3, 1 to 2):


;Lifespan of sperm [minutes]

set a4tc.SpermLife to 60 * 24 * 2

;Lifespan of ova [minutes]

set a4tc.OvumLife to 60 * 24 * 1

;Lifespan of fertilized ova [minutes]

set a4tc.FertilizedOvumLife to 60 * 24 * 2

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