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MBP eye difficulties


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I'm trying to get MBP working on my install since it's needed for some lovers mods that i want to use but i also want to use OCU2 which results in eye issues. Weirdly enough, only elves get derpy eyes, human vanilla races have normal eyes although they all use the same eye mesh. Did anyone else look into this? I thought that i would just place the eyes in a different folder and reroute them in a MBP esp but now i'm confused why the eyes work so weirdly. Actually i'm not even sure which esp i should try to edit :s

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while i do not think you need to reroot anything with the esp    you might just find the right eyes to place in the right folder (meshes and textures)


or you open in CS or with tes4edit  ocus2 as it is the one that is modifying MBP esm and mbp esp bashed  and you point to the right textures and meshes    (i think with tes4edit it would be easyer as you might see what is conflicting and to what to point more precisely)

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sorry i can not explain the use of tes4edit  and there is no real tutorials !!!

you can always download it in nexus and try it see what and how    normaly it is an easy use


now if you want you can do it in CS and there is a lot of tutorials


now if you do want No CS and No tes4edit  you need to look at and in  the folders you have from   (specicaly at the eyes folder)   you pick meshes and textures that are overwritten and you past them in the other folder (in your case ocus overwrite mbp  then you pick from mbp and overwrite in ocus) but it is the same you need to figure out alone.


hope i am clear enogh  (english is not my langage)


or if someone else has a better idee  he might post and advice you


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when my cute elf turned into a vampire her eyes went crazy, anyway i used this thread



well that should work, but i really want the OCU2 vanilla races to use their textures, not the MBP ones :-/ Isn't there a way to make just the added races use the MBP eyes? I'd rather change all the MBP races eye pathing, but i'm quite confused which esps to edit, since there's so many of them :s

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Just about any issue can be resolved systematically. First WTF is OCU2? Where do you have it placed in your Load Order, in fact let's start with you posting your LO, preferably in spoiler tags. Also did you DL and use the OMOD for MBP?


Reason we need that initial basic info to help you is to determine if OCU2 come before or after the MBP esps; one will override the other. You have DLed and are using Wrye Bash, and have generated a Bashed Patch? If not do so before posting again as you need it in order to make use of MBP. It also provides some additional options to get this working correctly.


There's going to be some reading and learning on your part to get this working the way you want it. No way around that.


Oblivion Tool List & Guides:

BOSS- Should have this already

OBMM - Should have this already

Wrye Bash- Should have this already

TES4Edit - You will want to DL this and learn how to use it, eventually.

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OCU2 is this http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/44676/?


I have Wrye Bash and the bashed patch, i used the MBP + x117 omod from this thread http://www.loverslab.com/topic/2590-mbp-allin1-omod-v21beta/


I can't post the LO now, can't get to the computer with the game now, but i have the MBP esps ordered with BOSS, the OCU2 esp is loaded right after the bashed patch


EDIT: I know/have everything you linked apart from TES4edit, that's the only one i didn't use yet

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Is that the recommended position for OCU2? It will then be overriding anything from MBP as it loads last. I'm assuming you had it enabled when you generated your Bashed Patch?


With OCU2 in the same location did you try disabling the ESP before generating your bashed patch then re-enabling it? This also assumes you added the OCU2 textures last to your Data folder, for those races you want to use the OCU2 textures for, vs. MBP textures.

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I just quickly reviewed OCU2 and see this on the Nexus OP:


*Things you CANNOT run together with OCO:
-Hair/eye packs that affect vanilla races
-Any mods that affect vanilla NPCs
-Mods that change racial stats


This may be due to it's use of Blockhead. You may be able to do some fancy edits and whatnot to eventually get it working the way you want, but since I don't use OCU2 or Blockhead, it's beyond my ability to assist you. Good luck.


Edit: You may want to review the posts on the Nexus OCU2 page, it may have some clues or insight into what you are trying to accomplish.


Your issue, IMO is NOT MBP, it's OCU2 and Blockhead.

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Oh well, thanks for your time anyway. I'll see what i can come up with, maybe i'll find a workaround so that i don't need MBP at all, but right now i'm gonna go sleep, really late here already.


EDIT: Well, after thinking it through a little and a bit of time in CS i managed to do exactly what i wanted, didn't even need tes4edit, all seems to work well. You were right, i just had to edit the OCU2 esp.

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