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(Request/Idea) Arachne/Drider Mod


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This is probably pretty impossible, but I think it would be extremely cool to have a Playable Drider race in Skyrim, which, if you don't know, a Main/Spider species, where the lower body is spider, and the upper body is human. (Similar to Queelag from Dark Souls, or Arachne from Smite, or the Spider Daedra from Oblivion.)


The main idea of the mod would be to play as a Female Drider, who's goal is to spread her brood across Skyrim, by laying eggs/impregnating its residents, and of course the mod would require several new animations for aggressive animations, and all that jazz, but this is more of just an opener, thought it will probably never see the light of creation, I would like to hear what you guys think of the idea.


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It'd be a huge technical hurdle. I think a more realizable idea would be a race mod based off of the spider-morphs from Corruption of Champions. In CoC, the basic spider-morphs are humanoid creatures with chitinous coverings over their arms and legs (so, they look kinda like someone wearing latex gloves and stockings, only it's a chitinous partial exoskeleton) and a spider's opisthosoma growing like a tail from their backs. This way, there's far less need for new animations, and the art assets that would need to be created aren't nearly so large and complex. The opisthosoma can simply use the tail slot, and the exoskeletal look should be easy enough to manage for anyone who could re-skin argonians.


In terms of gameplay, you could use ZaZ animation pack to whip up a racial power that functions like this mod: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/12302-arachnophobia-by-miss-leeches/


Or just find a way to give the player the frostbite spider's spit attack.


Since oviposition seems to be a common tool of the spider trade in some porn images, you could also give the player the ability to inflict something like the estrus chaurus pregnancy on npcs.

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Yeah, I thought my original idea was beyond reach, unfortunately, I have no knowledge of coding nor mod-making, hence the word request in the title :P This would be a very cool feature if someone could play on the Animation of Frostbite Spit, as I do thorougly enjoy the Estrus Chaurus mod. I proposed the idea in that thread as well to be able to assume the 'carrier' role. Hopefully something can come of it! Thanks for the input as well! :-)

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The only mjor problem would be it would require a completely new skeleton and loads of animations before it looked like anything.


In theory you just die a frostbite spider black and stitch on the upper half of a CBBE torso... but that's way easier said than done.

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  • 5 months later...

This is probably pretty impossible, but I think it would be extremely cool to have a Playable Drider race in Skyrim, which, if you don't know, a Main/Spider species, where the lower body is spider, and the upper body is human. (Similar to Queelag from Dark Souls, or Arachne from Smite, or the Spider Daedra from Oblivion.)


The main idea of the mod would be to play as a Female Drider, who's goal is to spread her brood across Skyrim, by laying eggs/impregnating its residents, and of course the mod would require several new animations for aggressive animations, and all that jazz, but this is more of just an opener, thought it will probably never see the light of creation, I would like to hear what you guys think of the idea.

I am also a big fan of arachnid creatures. But i can also see the troubles it could cause: What will happen with normal gameplay? Will you be able to quest for humans who are out of some reason not afraid at all about a man-spider? In my opinion it would be better if you had tha ability to transform into a human and also back into the arachnid (human-spider-mix-body). In human form you won't be able to access to most of your abilities and in arachnid form you will have the problem that everyone (except spiders and maybe VERY good friends or cultists) will want to kill you at sight. It would also be awesome if you were able to implant some of your spawns into living beings and force them to support you or otherwise you will command the spawnling inside to kill them. 


It'd be a huge technical hurdle. I think a more realizable idea would be a race mod based off of the spider-morphs from Corruption of Champions. In CoC, the basic spider-morphs are humanoid creatures with chitinous coverings over their arms and legs (so, they look kinda like someone wearing latex gloves and stockings, only it's a chitinous partial exoskeleton) and a spider's opisthosoma growing like a tail from their backs. This way, there's far less need for new animations, and the art assets that would need to be created aren't nearly so large and complex. The opisthosoma can simply use the tail slot, and the exoskeletal look should be easy enough to manage for anyone who could re-skin argonians.


In terms of gameplay, you could use ZaZ animation pack to whip up a racial power that functions like this mod: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/12302-arachnophobia-by-miss-leeches/


Or just find a way to give the player the frostbite spider's spit attack.


Since oviposition seems to be a common tool of the spider trade in some porn images, you could also give the player the ability to inflict something like the estrus chaurus pregnancy on npcs.

I have no idea how hard it is to animate sth, but wouldn't it be possible to mix the already existing animations of the frostbite spiders and human animations for the upper body?  Or at least take the spider animation and add fitting top body animations... 


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  • 2 months later...

Why don't you guys just try to take the 3D models of other Drider characters from other games... and use that as most of the ground work for the whole animation and skeleton for the custom race.


I mean we know that Oblivion and Elder Scrolls Online both have Spider Daedras so, couldn't we just export the model and everything from one of those into Skyrim somehow?


I'm not a modder in the slightest, this is just something I thought of and was wondering if it would work for this. As... it would help in creating the Skeleton of the character and possibly even the ANIMATIONS all done in one nice little package...


Then you'd just need to make the textures on the model fit into Skyrim more and add the animations with it carrying weapons and what not 


AND BAM... your don.e


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