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I got the dmra bbb armor clothing replacer.The complete one.But i got no DMRA on the Crusader armor.The KOTN armor is fine.The dm and the ra is there but not on the Crusader.And the Crusader cuirass has no icon in the inventory.The meshes(i believe that's what they are called) are fine on the ground when i drop it.It show's how the armor should look.But when equip it it's the normal one.No DM or RA on the grieves or cuirass.

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Do you have any other mod that affects Knights of the Nine of the Crusader armor? If so and it's lower down the load order it's possible that if this hypothetical mod has made changes to the Crusader armor it is directing the game to look in the original place for the meshes.

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Do you have any other mod that affects Knights of the Nine of the Crusader armor? If so and it's lower down the load order it's possible that if this hypothetical mod has made changes to the Crusader armor it is directing the game to look in the original place for the meshes.



Sorry for the late reply.I got the KOTN Revelations maybe that's causing it but  my load order is sorted trough BOSS.And i tried moving it manually placing it infront of the revelations but it's the same.


Oh and when i have just the cuirass equipped the butt clips with the back side of it.

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