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Is there a new HKX to KF conversion tool?


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I wanted to get into animations, mainly because I think that Skyrim is missing some more action poses & some less "kawaii" ones.

So far I've only found 2 tools to convert HKX into KF files (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/1797/? and http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/17109/? which are basically the same thing) and converting normal animations works completely fine.


When I converted some of HaloFarm's poses however I couldn't import them into 3ds. Although the file is a kf Max says it's an improper file format.


My question now is am I just an idiot or are the tools outdated (or whatever it may be that makes them unable to convert certain hkx files) and if they are is there a decent alternative?

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hkxcmd is what I use.  The thing is that only the vanilla animations seem to convert properly.  In my experience any custom animation converted from hkx back to kf will be borked in one way or another.


from the hkxcmd description:


"Currently the package only converts from native HKX files built with Havok 2010.2.0 SDK to the XML form of HKX or to the Gamebryo KF file format"


the other tool is based on hkxcmd so it has the same limitations.


Unfortunately those are the only ones out there that I know of. 

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