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Anybody working on.... Or can work on..


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I think I know what you mean, as either you or another guy here created a thread with exactly the same request before.


I don't think this will get modded anytime soon though, as mod creators tend to make mods that relate to their personal interests. Without trying to evaluate your fetish I doubt that it is one of the big mainstream fetishes like bondage or slavery for example. That is why it is unlikely for one of the mod creators to cover a niche fetish for - from what I have seen on LL so far - a fistful of people with such a huge project. Especially because most of them already have big projects that they are working on.



Oh, and just a little hint for requests like that: Next time try elaborating your request a tad more than that. A sentence like "Requesting bondage mod okay thanks bye!" is nothing that would really draw any attention to the request. Let people know what you have in mind, describe it in an interesting way so people who read it say "Hey, that is something I'd like to see as well!", especially because they did not think about that before. Then there's a chance that somebody with scripting and modding skills likes your idea as well and tries realising it.


PS: Try the "Mod Ideas & Plans - Discussion" thread for this as many people with scripting skills read it quite frequently to catch ideas for their own mods.

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Sorry about that, should have left this on the request forum. Anyway, what I meant was more of a slave scenario.

Maybe something like a group of anti-war women or men. They decide to reeducate these warriors and give them

a chance to live their life over.


Bondage included, making the dragonborn and other npcs live their over and bringing that to being the "mothers/fathers"

new babies. 


Forced to crawl, (There's an actual walk for that on here).

could include the private needs only the feature to actually release being taken from the mod or locked by the "Parent"

Punishments for peeing or other having them locked up in baby clothes, etc.


Could be also adjusted even to having them brought to child or teen age instead. Not to endorse child porn or anything like, don't mistake that.

Just a forcement of warriors having their life to be remodeled.


Maybe the magic users having the vigilantes gets  involved, etc.


Hope that helps.

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