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[solved] "Raped" debuff. Where is it from?

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Hello, I'm using many mods presented by Loverslab as well as some regular ones. Just not long ago my character got a new kind of debuff I havn't seen yet, this one:




It's all cool that there is such debuff but.... I would like it to go off sometime somehow! No sleep helps, I can't use shrines (playing with Requiem and already messed up withthe law a bit) so... what mod does that? Any ideas?

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Because posting a public screenshot of it on Steam is clever.............


Without seeing your load order, not really going to be 100% correct.


All my friends know what I'm doing.... and they do the same ;) As for the rest - can't care less about their opinion. Also... I don't know how to link loadorder sadly



I use Defeat and it has the debuff but I keep it on 5 sec duration only (with Requiem even 1 sec of delay may be deadly). Yet this time it is permanent, doesn't go off after sleep and even with shrine... may be there is any console command to remove it? I wish I knew one >.<

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Are you using the latest defeat version 4.2.1? I ask cause there was a issue with version 4.2 getting stuck on. You can also go into the MCM menu of defeat and tell it to clean. It should go away then. If you are not using version 4.2.1 then follow the steps and uninstall defeat and then install the new version and it should not happen in the future.


If this is the debuff from Defeat. Is that the only sex mod you are using?

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As for getting a load order. open nexus mod manger and on the left hand side is two white pages one with a arrow before the page and one with a arrow after the page. Click the higher of the two the one with a arrow before the page. Then select export to file and save it where even. Then go to that file open it and copy all the text. Then come back here and past it in some spoiler tags. Like this but with no spaces

[ spoiler]


[ /spoiler]


Then we can see what you have in your load order and be more likely able to help find the issue.

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Are you using the latest defeat version 4.2.1? I ask cause there was a issue with version 4.2 getting stuck on. You can also go into the MCM menu of defeat and tell it to clean. It should go away then. If you are not using version 4.2.1 then follow the steps and uninstall defeat and then install the new version and it should not happen in the future.


If this is the debuff from Defeat. Is that the only sex mod you are using?

Oh it is 4.2, gone update it now, thanks a lot! *hugs and kisses*


Edit: yes this was it, problem solved \o/

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