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So yea. One of those Fallout 4 posts...

Lovely Rose

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Anyone excited for fallout 4?

I know alot of people are like MEH every sense fallout new vegas was so different
(which i don't believe, i just think their spurs don't jingle jangle)


Speaking of Fallout 4, whens Bethesda coming out with new oblivion?

I don't want non of that online multiplier shit.. >_<


Ill probably pre order fallout 4, like i did fallout 3 and fallout NV. :3 got my lil collection going!


Idk, I'm kind of hoping for a map more like Fallout 3, mainly do the NO HOPE feeling.  In fallout new vegas it seemed like NO ONE was concerned by the monsters and what else lies outside of the strip.  


Fallout 3, like most the towns had gaurds on the outside.  Most the gaurds are on the inside and AWAY from the gates in new vegas. so idk

*shrug* lol

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