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[Search, Request / Commission] PC Begging for Sex

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I'm looking for a mod where the PC will beg for sex when certain conditions are met - specifically, high cum hunger in mods such as SL Survival / Cum Swallow Needs, does anything like this exist?

If not, and a modder is willing to work on it, I'd be happy to commission someone to create it. I'm not sure how much work would be needed for something like this, but the max I'd pay out would be in the 50-100~ bucks, preferably through whatever cryptocurrency you want to use (if you have no preference, XMR/Monero + Cake Wallet is a good choice). If you're a known mod author I'd be happy to pay out the full commission price from the start, but if not then I'll pay it out at the end, or half at the start, whatever seems the most fair. That said, please see the commission as a "bonus" - only work on the mod if it's something you're interested in too, and don't let it stress you out either. (:

Also, if you don't want payment for whatever reason, I can donate the money to whatever organization you like instead.


If the mod doesn't exist, and a modder does want to make it, then here's how I see this mod working:

When begging, the player should be more desperate the hungrier they are. At max hunger they'd be willing to pay high amounts (maybe even all) of their gold, or give in to certain demands from male NPCs (i.e, giving up armor or clothes, rare items, or whatever else to them). When the PC is at high amounts of hunger, it'd be ideal if they forced the begging dialogue to happen, and when they're at low hunger it should add an extra dialogue tree to ask for oral sex, where the NPC can accept or ask for payment first (ideally, their demand for gold should increase with the PCs hunger - asking for sex while the PC is "peckish" should cost a very low amount of gold, to encourage addicts to seek out sex often, and to give a penalty to PCs who don't feed their character).


Of course, feel free to add in whatever you want to see, or change things to what you think is best - this would be your mod entirely. Add things or change them as you see fit, my only condition is that the mods source code is released under a free to use/edit license, this applies to future updates of it as well.

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  • forpyor changed the title to [Search, Request / Commission] PC Begging for Sex
Posted (edited)

Firstly, I feel like I have to note that something like this would probably be a good first project to do yourself, if you're interesting in making your own mods.



But aside from that, if something like this doesn't already exist, I'll whip it up. The cum addiction was always my favourite part of Sexlab Survival, and this sort of thing is right up my alley- and if nothing else it'd be a good motivation to finally update my load order to use CumSwallowNeeds instead.

It shouldn't be too hard, I already have similar begging behavior in Bimbos of Skyrim- this is the same format, just different dialogue and triggers.


That said, doesn't Survival already do this by default? (it's been a while since I actually played with it to remember) Also, maybe go check in the CumSwallowNeeds thread that the author isn't already planning something like this themself.


Edited by jib_buttkiss
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Posted (edited)

Hey, that'd be amazing! Your mod is one I couldn't imagine playing the game without anymore, and I'd be super thankful if you could make something like this


12 hours ago, jib_buttkiss said:

That said, doesn't Survival already do this by default? (it's been a while since I actually played with it to remember) Also, maybe go check in the CumSwallowNeeds thread that the author isn't already planning something like this themself.

From what I can tell, SL Survival doesn't have any feature like the one we're discussing, and I've been playing with it in my load order for years. The dev for CumSwallowNeeds doesn't seem to have any plans for a feature like this either (checked the roadmap and skimmed through their thread).

12 hours ago, jib_buttkiss said:

Firstly, I feel like I have to note that something like this would probably be a good first project to do yourself, if you're interesting in making your own mods.

I'm a Linux player and getting the Creation Kit to work is (from what I've seen) almost impossible, so I want to avoid jumping down the modding rabbit hole myself xD - thank you for the heads up though (:

Edited by forpyor
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Posted (edited)

Right, made a chunk of progress and figured I'd chuck it up here, because why not.


This WIP version only has begging for when the player is at the Ravenous hunger level. At Ravenous, you'll compulsively beg any male for cum, with no cooldown (so you can't properly converse with men at all until you're satiated), and you can't refuse the absurd costs they'll demand. These demands include all your gold, your current clothes, or items from a currently-incomplete list I'm defining (which can include things you really don't want to lose, like Daedric artifacts.) Though the items they take are added to their inventory so you can try to pickpocket them back if you need them, good luck pickpocketing 5000 gold or Dawnbreaker. There's also a 10% chance that the target takes your stuff, then laughs and doesn't hold up the deal.

It's very harsh, but that's the penalty for not keeping up with your addiction!


The following settings exist on the backend, but there's no MCM to adjust them yet:

-Enable/disable the outcomes for Ravenous begging (gold, clothes, misc list, or rejection)

-Chance to get scammed (10% by default)

-Minimum gold required for taking gold to be considered a valid option

-A global on/off switch for the mod.


The "give clothes" outcome checks that your clothes aren't Devious Devices locked onto you and won't take them if they are. There's a small "banlist" formlist of male NPCs who are blocked from having the begging dialogue appear, to try to avoid breaking quests. All begging events add Bimbo Corruption from Bimbos of Skyrim.


CSNABA v0.1.zip


It should be an easy install- safe to install mid-save, to LE or SE. Oh, and just to be clear, this is for Cum Swallow Needs, though it'll be fairly easy to convert to Survival once it's done.



Next to work on will be the Starving begging, where you'll beg any male, on a one-hour cooldown, and be able to refuse their demands. Then Hungry and Peckish will be dialogue added to any male where you can ask for cum, with higher demands for Hungry. I'd want to rig something up so that you can't just beg the same NPC over and over again, and finally add some special dialogue for begging followers.


Edited by jib_buttkiss
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4 hours ago, jib_buttkiss said:

Right, made a chunk of progress and figured I'd chuck it up here, because why not.


This WIP version only has begging for when the player is at the Ravenous hunger level. At Ravenous, you'll compulsively beg any male for cum, with no cooldown (so you can't properly converse with men at all until you're satiated), and you can't refuse the absurd costs they'll demand. These demands include all your gold, your current clothes, or items from a currently-incomplete list I'm defining (which can include things you really don't want to lose, like Daedric artifacts.) Though the items they take are added to their inventory so you can try to pickpocket them back if you need them, good luck pickpocketing 5000 gold or Dawnbreaker. There's also a 10% chance that the target takes your stuff, then laughs and doesn't hold up the deal.

It's very harsh, but that's the penalty for not keeping up with your addiction!


The following settings exist on the backend, but there's no MCM to adjust them yet:

-Enable/disable the outcomes for Ravenous begging (gold, clothes, misc list, or rejection)

-Chance to get scammed (10% by default)

-Minimum gold required for taking gold to be considered a valid option

-A global on/off switch for the mod.


The "give clothes" outcome checks that your clothes aren't Devious Devices locked onto you and won't take them if they are. There's a small "banlist" formlist of male NPCs who are blocked from having the begging dialogue appear, to try to avoid breaking quests. All begging events add Bimbo Corruption from Bimbos of Skyrim.


CSNABA v0.1.zip 22.01 kB · 1 download


It should be an easy install- safe to install mid-save, to LE or SE. Oh, and just to be clear, this is for Cum Swallow Needs, though it'll be fairly easy to convert to Survival once it's done.



Next to work on will be the Starving begging, where you'll beg any male, on a one-hour cooldown, and be able to refuse their demands. Then Hungry and Peckish will be dialogue added to any male where you can ask for cum, with higher demands for Hungry. I'd want to rig something up so that you can't just beg the same NPC over and over again, and finally add some special dialogue for begging followers.


All of this sounds fantastic so far, my current load order is centered around Survival so I can't help test things out, but it's great to see you taking these ideas and making something from them - once you get the mod to a state you're happy with and create a SLS version I'll happily test it out. Thanks so much for taking my request onboard!

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After testing the mod out, all I can say is that this goes above what I was hoping for, and the "begging" option for women is a great small touch.

Seeing as how I was willing to commission someone for something like this, I went ahead and sent your Ko-Fi a little something as a thank you <3

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Posted (edited)

Awesome, enjoy it! Glad it ticks the boxes for you! And thanks for the little something!


I'll post as a mod proper on the forums later today. Keep an eye on it- depending on how popular it is, there might be updates down the line.


EDIT- proper mod post is up! If anyone in the future looks at this thread for some reason, grab the mod from there instead!



Edited by jib_buttkiss
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