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hello highly competent artist that is unbelievably hopeless at all things technical here, I have an interest in potentially doing a little spritework if anybody can get me the assets


I did this as a lil test so you can see what I have to offer



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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Dorian Bates said:

hello highly competent artist that is unbelievably hopeless at all things technical here, I have an interest in potentially doing a little spritework if anybody can get me the assets


I did this as a lil test so you can see what I have to offer




Great work! One interesting thing about Hades is that its sprites come from 3D renders, would be amazing get ahold of those models but obviously that's not likely to happen sense it wouldn't make much sense to leave them in the finished game. I'll snoop around the files and see what info I can gather about unpacking game assets and getting you those sprites.


Edited by _DingleBerry_
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Looked into it a bit myself, but I haven't bought the game for myself, since I prefer to wait for sales. However, if it uses the same engine, you can try using https://github.com/quaerus/deppth, it's an command line based unpacker that's for the other Supergiant games, but, may not work if the engine has been updated at all. If you're not comfortable with a command line, assuming the file structure is the same, you could go to steam, browse local files, /hades/content/win/packages, and then I'd assume GUI.pkg has the portrait files, if that exists, you could drop it here and I'll try messing around with it, Don't know where the 3D model sprites would be, I'd have to purchase it myself and look through the files for that. Either way, no guarantees, but it's at least somewhere to look.

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Posted (edited)

I think I've got it working, now is just a matter of finding the right .pkg file. For posterity here's how to set up the extractor for windows:


1. Download Python (I recommend 3.12 for now)

2. Open a command prompt (type "cmd" in your windows search bar)

3. Make sure python is installed:

    - Enter into the console "py -v" or "python -v"

    - If it doesn't understand either of those commands check your PATH system variable and set wherever you have python installed to the path (the path should be something like "C:\Users\[YOUR USER]\AppData\Local\Programs\Python")

   - Also add the path for the scripts we will be installing ( should be "C:\Users\[YOUR USER]\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python312\Scripts")

4. Install pip:

   - Download get-pip.py (Found with a quick google search)

   - Use the console to navigate to the directory you downloaded the file by typing in "cd C:\Users\[YOUR USER]\Downloads" (or wherever you have the file downloaded)

   - Execute the file by typing in "python get-pip.py"

5. Close and re-open the command window (So that pip is recognized)

6. Install pillow:

   - Type in "python -m pip install pillow"

7. Install LZ4:

   - Type in "python -m pip install lz4"

8. Download deppth: https://github.com/quaerus/deppth

  - In GitHub under the Green Code Button -> Download as Zip

  - Create a folder and extract the contents of the zip

  - Download "deppth-" from: https://github.com/quaerus/deppth/releases/tag/v0.1.0.0

  - Use the console to navigate to wherever you downloaded the .whl file and type in "python -m pip install deppth-"

9. Close and re-open the command window again (So that pillow, LZ4, and deppth are recognized)

10. Create a folder for your packed and unpacked .pkg files

11. Find a desired .pkg file (In ...\Steam\steamapps\common\Hades II\Content\Packages\...)

  - Place the file along with its corresponding manifest file into the folder where you wish to extract it

12. To unpack:

   - Use the console to navigate to the folder where you have your .pkg files

   - If the .pkg file is named Example.pkg, type into the command window "deppth ex Example.pkg"

   - A folder with the unpacked sprites and textures should be created in the same directory

13. To rebuild the pack:

  - Check to make sure there is a "manifest" folder in the unpacked folder, if it doesn't exist add one

  - Type in "deppth pk -s Example -t Example.pkg"

14. To patch or mod:

  - Type in "deppth pk -s Example -t Example_patch.pkg -e *Example_Texture01*" (-e flags Example_Texture01 as the only change)

  - Type in "deppth pt Example.pkg Example_patch.pkg" to patch

  - Include both Example_patch.pkg and Example_patch.pkg_manifest in the mod


Edited by _DingleBerry_
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I tried looking in _PlayerUnit.pkg since it was the most likely candidate for player sprites (It's also referenced in PlayerUnits.sjson and seems to contain Melinoe's animations). Unfortunately I only found one sprite sheet for some sparks, which is weird since that can't be the only sprite sheet that exists for the player. It then occurred to me she may actually be a 3D model this time instead of being made from a sprite sheet. A quick google search seems to support this and it suggests that they are using live 3D models for more characters this time around. So the good news is that she is probably being rendered from a 3D model somewhere in the game files. But the bad news is we need to find a way to extract the models since deppth and pillow only seem to extract sprite sheets.

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that's... odd, cuz the standing pictures during dialogues are definitely drawn. Even if I wasn't sure based on appearances alone, you can find certain unfinished characters that are literally just sketches lol

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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, Dorian Bates said:

that's... odd, cuz the standing pictures during dialogues are definitely drawn. Even if I wasn't sure based on appearances alone, you can find certain unfinished characters that are literally just sketches lol


Sorry, I was referring to the playable character. You're referring to the portraits, which may still exist elsewhere. I'll see if I can find those.

Edited by _DingleBerry_
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Anyone know how to go about getting the character models and textures into Blender? I'm assuming they're the .gr2 files under Hades II\Content\GR2\_Optimized, however they're all compressed .lz4 files. I attempted to extract one of them using an lz4.exe command, but got an "unrecognized header" error. Some kind of Supergiant-specific header maybe? Not sure how to go about extracting it, maybe something in the script folder? 

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3 hours ago, testdrf said:

Anyone know how to go about getting the character models and textures into Blender? I'm assuming they're the .gr2 files under Hades II\Content\GR2\_Optimized, however they're all compressed .lz4 files. I attempted to extract one of them using an lz4.exe command, but got an "unrecognized header" error. Some kind of Supergiant-specific header maybe? Not sure how to go about extracting it, maybe something in the script folder? 


Deppth was using pillow and LZ4 libraries to extract sprite sheets. Maybe there is some 3D modeling library in python that can be coupled with LZ4 to do the same thing but for 3D objects. That way you could extract the models as .obj or .glTF and import them directly into blender. There are also 3D model rippers like NinjaRipper, but I've never used it so I'm not sure how effective it would be.

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Alright, so, the music convinced me to bite the bullet and buy it at full price. I haven't launched it, yet, and probably won't until later on, but I have looked through the files. Only has 1080p versions, since I figured it'd be easier to just downscale to 720p.


Hades II Extracts.zip


The GUI folder should have all the portrait sprites, there's more files, but, I think they're all icons, let me know if I missed any and I can grab them as well, and the Melinoe Mesh stuff has the color textures, and, what I believe to be the base mesh, and hopefully modifying it affects all the others, since there's about 20-40 files per weapon. I have absolutely no idea what you need in order to work with that file either, but just from reading some code, the game calls on that file when looking for a mesh, so, it should contain it somehow. Best of luck figuring that one out. Still, you might be able to modify the color file for a nude texture, but, seems quite hard to work with, honestly.

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Posted (edited)

aight so as a test and the obvious first choice I revealed aphrodite

I respect supergiant too much to make these as gratuitously sexualized as my usual m.o. but I did size up the tits a bit and made a pierced version as well




Edited by Dorian Bates
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Packed the files up.

- Steam, Browse Local Files.

- Drop the Packages folder into the Contents folder.

- Overwrite 2 files.

- Start Hades 2.

- Only replaces 1089p textures, so, probably will look like vanilla with different resolutions.

Nude 0.1.zip

Kinkier 0.1.zip



I played without sound in in a language I can't read, because I want as few story spoilers as possible since I'm going to enjoy it myself at the full release. I can still help out with modding, though I probably won't double check anything beyond the first boss, so if characters beyond that are changed, you'll have to let me know if something isn't working. Either way, that's why these screenshots are in Japanese.





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Posted (edited)

Wow, that looks amazing. Thank you :)


Tried so replace the files like mentioned and game wont start because of "Data Corruption detected - verify your Files"

Edited by MusaMiya213
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Posted (edited)

Odd. Wonder if making a deppth patch file would fix it. But then I think I'd need to ake a windows shell script for that, and, I don't remember how that's structured.

I'll look through the files for a verification check and update if I find anything.


Note - Let me know if it's Steam or Hades itself giving the file notice,


Edit: Found out it was me being incredibly stupid.

Got it about a week ago, but didn't post anything until I actually looked around it.

I forgot to update it.

The files are just out of date, which, matters a lot for early access, I'll reupload them shortly with updated files.


Second Edit:

After updating it myself, I'm finding the same issue. I assume the patch also came with a code to verify files since after checking for myself, it doesn't seem to be a steam thing. Most likely just to help reduce bugs and for security against things like piracy. I can maybe look around for a fix, but, don't have high hopes, and, I don't really care to try figuring out how to bypass verification myself until release, because, well, it's early access, every single bit of code is subject to code, and it's not something I'd want to do repeatedly. I'll probably wait until more mods are released and figure out how they did it.


Hopefully final edt:

After looking around more though what's been modded, seems the SJSON files with a mod-loader are where to start. Doesn't replace any files, so, should pass the verification check. I'll probably need to figure out a way to write one that does the same stuff as normal, but calls on a completely different file specifically for Aphrodite's portrait, as well as whatever other portrait changes are made in the future.
I have found a mod on regular Hades's nexus, which gives me a bit of hope and a starting place to look into what code is needed and how the engine calls files, Probably not happening within the next few days, though.

Edited by Someone23832
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Well hopefully that all gets sorted out. In the meantime I'll keep at it


gave demeter a facelift and milfed her up a bit so the goddess of fertility actually looks fertile now




2 hours ago, nudefinder said:

Yo can have pubiy hair on her too?


I did consider it, we'll see

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On 5/19/2024 at 3:27 PM, Someone23832 said:

Packed the files up.

- Steam, Browse Local Files.

- Drop the Packages folder into the Contents folder.

- Overwrite 2 files.

- Start Hades 2.

- Only replaces 1089p textures, so, probably will look like vanilla with different resolutions.

Nude 0.1.zip 441.2 MB · 2 downloads

Kinkier 0.1.zip 441.19 MB · 2 downloads


  Hide contents

I played without sound in in a language I can't read, because I want as few story spoilers as possible since I'm going to enjoy it myself at the full release. I can still help out with modding, though I probably won't double check anything beyond the first boss, so if characters beyond that are changed, you'll have to let me know if something isn't working. Either way, that's why these screenshots are in Japanese.





This is great, thank you so much! Do you plan on make asset replacements for higher resolutions like 4k?

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1 hour ago, chilidoge said:

This is great, thank you so much! Do you plan on make asset replacements for higher resolutions like 4k?

I mean, there only seems to be 720p and 1080p assets at the moment, if there is 4K in Hades II already, I'd assume it's for UI scaling reasons rather than specifically for higher quality assets. This is the entire package folder:


It's early access, there's a chance for higher res assets, or there's a chance it detects my computer isn't able to run 4k and doesn't bother to install it, but, that one is highly unlikely. If they get closer to release, and pack higher res assets, I don't think it'd be much harder to upscale them. Dorian might need to redo them and smooth them over in a higher resolution, so that becomes a question for him, but, I can guarantee it can at least be upscaled to be compatible.

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