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Creation kit and the missing Lovergirl race.


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I have spent hours searching google and trying various things to figure this out but I have come up dry.


I am trying to make a Lovergirl face preset via the Creation Kit so that when I want to edit my character's hairstyle and/or eye color I can use the showracemenu command, click my preset and change what I want on my preset face. The showracemenu command sadly wipes the character back to a preset and thus you need to move every scroll bar back to where it was.


The main problem I am having is that the Lovergirl race will not show up in the Creation Kit under the presets or the race menu at all. I can see all of the other standard races and their presets just fine.


The Lovergirl mod itself works great, no crashing or issues with it in game. The Creation editor seems fairly self explanatory as far as using it to do various stuff and I found a step by step walkthrough on how to create new character presets. My issue is that without the Lovergirl race showing up in the Creation Kit I cannot copy a lovergirl preset and overwrite my characters npc file I created with the spf_name command.


Can anyone help me out? I am sure people have gotten the Lovergirl Race to show up in the creation kit but I have no clue what you need to do to get it to happen and searching on google largely comes up with results on how to create NPC's, I simply need the race to show up in the creation kit and I can get the preset character saved easy enough.

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What version of the ECE are you using?

the author comments that they used ECE v0.86 as a base for the mod. The latest version 1.05 should work as well.

CME  is incompatible 


I was using ECE 1.2 a while back but atm I have it deactiveated on NMM and it has been so throughout this issue. I am at present simply using the default character edit along with some mods that add things such as apachi hair, SG hair 220 (which is having unrelated issues atm), eyes of beauty, secudtive lips, pretty face, no more blocky faces, CBBE, Better Face Gen, and better females by Bella makeup version 3 and no shine.


Would ECE actually alllow me to make presets within that program itself? I have it installed but actually deactiveated it due to some other issue I now forget but I might actually play with it some more as some of the more advanced sliders were fairly nice to fine tune looks.

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