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I've completely run out of ideas why this is happening.


I have long wanted to play fully with one of the survival mods, but I always put it off (there were always problems with their launch and integration, I don’t know why). This time I decided to take it seriously and push them into my assembly completely.


I strictly chose from the mod presented by the author "CumSwallowNeedsAddon" made by Dasha117. It has the following list of supported survival mods:





Last Seed


I tried all these mods, and only RND worked normally. But it doesn't suit me at all. I like neither its content nor its visuals. Most of all I wanted to play with Last Seed (and even I seemed to succeed, I had to suffer with another mod for Campfire, it somehow overwrote Papyrus Extender, so I had to raise it higher in the download log). However, it was at his work that this problem appeared, which is inherent in all other remaining mods.


I launched a pre-save in an abandoned prison (from the Alternative Life mod). All the settings for MCM were already there, so it just saved me time. Well... the save loaded normally and everything was fine, the menus were registered, all the effects appeared and everything seemed to be fine. I made a save in the same prison, and then loaded this save. And that's the end.

After launching the save where the Last Seed mod was located, a real archaic nightmare began. All my mods that notify me when starting a new game (such as Estrus, Fill her up) started sending me a message that the mod was running, as if I had started a new game (although this is not the case at all); other mods that give things to inventory at the beginning of the game (such as AddItemMenu, GSPoses, gave me 2-3 duplicates of their things, Esturs also did with his FAQ letter). SOS mod also did a complete reinstallation, as if I had cleaned Papyrus.


A few more mods that simply blocked their downloads (I don’t remember their names). And like the icing on the cake, my high poly head was removed and only the teeth and eyes remained. It can be returned through the racemenu, but there is little point in this. On top of that, all active quests were simply burned out or somehow deformed. My quest log often remained almost empty, although this should not have been the case.


This was my first experience, I decided.. it was Campfire and many other variables. (Probably something doesn’t add up or doesn’t fit together, it’s okay, I had 2 more mods in stock). I decided to use SunHelm as the second one, later I will completely give the choice to it, although I am ready to switch to the other two if I can solve the problem.

The first time it didn’t start for me (some kind of bug happened, I don’t know, so we’ll leave this mod out for now).


The third one was old in part, but very attractive iNeed (I tried both the alpha version from isoku and the already improved one from nodude2016, the essence of the matter does not change, the problem is the same).

The first problem also happened during the installation, I sincerely don’t understand how, but the esp plugin managed to overwrite a completely different plugin and disable it. (In my case it was Ordinator). These two modes shouldn't contact at all in theory, but for some reason they did, I still don't know why. I had to lower iNeed to the very bottom so that they would not touch Ordinator and this helped, but did not solve the whole problem.

In the end, exactly the same horror happened as with Last Seed. The game calmly launched the first save (which did not yet have survival mods), and then if you made a new save and tried to load it, then all the horror described above happened. It was impossible to play further. (Even if I started the game from the very beginning, this bug remained and all subsequent saves were unplayable, as the effect grew and at some point the game crashed).


Well, I was also able to launch SunHelm, its story is absolutely the same, only in addition to all this, it also disabled the plugin, only this time it was “Alternative Life”. This problem was also solved: simply moving esp to the end of the list of plugin loads. (Not mods, just plugins. For me this is a little wild, most likely this is an ordinary thing, but I have not encountered this level of problems yet).


Ultimately, all 3 survival mods I'd like to play with have the same problem. Perhaps they are structured similarly or something else, and perhaps this is the reason for my troubles. (From my not very experienced point of view, I believe that these mods somehow affect papyrus or something worse. And perhaps we need to figure it out there). I also cleaned all the plugins using SSEEdit, but it had no effect. (I don’t know how to use it very well, but maybe with the help of this tool I can find out exactly how the plugin affects my game, if there are people who know and are ready to explain how this is done). In general, I don’t know where to move next. When you disable all these survival mods, everything returns to normal and saving works as it should.

So I conclude that they are the problem. If you already have experience with a similar problem, then I kindly ask you to share, maybe this will help me understand the problem. If any additional data is required, such as papyrus logs or a list of mods, then I am ready to provide everything. (But it seems to me that the problem is something else) If nothing can be solved, then I’ll try to completely rebuild the assembly, maybe they will find some kind of conflict with the mods and the whole problem is much more solvable than I think.

I would like to thank in advance everyone who can advise or help solve this problem.







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