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Search engine visibility

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Jesus, what happened? I've been a regular member/user for several years now & whenever previously I typed Loverslab in my search engine, it was always the first site at the top of the list but today, I tried with both Edge & Duck Duck Go only to find it was nowhere to be seen. I had to literally scroll down for ages to find it. I haven't changed anything in my settings either so does anyone have any ideas as to why this might have happened? I'm a UK resident & a while ago I found that I was only able to access the site in incognito mode but it's possible that might have been something I did, however not this time. I was here yesterday without issue. Given the increasingly authoritarian nature of our puritanical Silicon Valley overlords & Western Govts, I always worry that I'll log in one day to find my favourite sites have been smitten by the ban hammer but that will be a sad day indeed.

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Firstly search engines have been crap for about six years now. (Fairly sure I posted something to this point when an exact description for a Nexus page didn't get the right result).


Secondly mechanisms have been attached to the search engines, (and by extension the browser),  itself to filter the search, (by default 'safe'). eg 😆




Look at the options, (however deeply they are hidden), to turn that off to get the results you want. (Also they just doesn't filter 'adult' stuff, but also things they deem problematic.)


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