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[REQ]Tera Online style camera

Guest strike105x

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Guest strike105x

Is there any way to implement a similar style to Tera Online camera to skyrim ? 



Basically the mouse and keyboard controls are independent, you control movement with "w, a,s,d" while you control the camera with the mouse key, when you choose what you want to aim at and click the left mouse button the character stops lines the shot then either you resume your movements or line up another shoot. I seriously think this would add a lot to the 3rd person archer gameplay in Skyrim, making it way more engaging.

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Guest strike105x

Thank you to you both, because by combining two of the mods you listed i managed to get something close if someone else is interested what i did was this:


By using this animations: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/34508//?

 I renamed them to the bow movement animation then i edited the esp to allow the player to run faster backwards with a bow drawn, and used this mod for targeting and geting the camera right: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/37347//? Its not as smooth as Tera but its better then nothing if someone else is interested.

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