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Them Western Comic Books


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Anyone read them? Whether the big names like Marvel and DC, or the smaller companies like Avatar (which mostly produces pretty gory 'serious' R-rated stuff) and Image? Or even the more artistically (and/or erotically) inclined comic books from Europe?


I'm currently reading the Superman books (which are about Superman), Crossed: Badlands (a series set in the aftermath of the breakout of a horrific infection that strips victims of their inhibitions and turns them into horrible caricatures of humanity, and also it's super depressing), Scarlet Spider (a series about Kaine Parker, Spider-Man's clone/brother) and the Justice League series (which are about Batman, Superman, and their buddies, and the Martian Manhunter and Steve Trevor and THEIR buddies), etc.


Do you guys read any? Or heck, do you just like to talk about which comic book character could beat who in a fight? That seems to be popular on the internet.

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Go read the Thor run made by Jason Aaron and Wonder Woman


titst he best thing to read in this pile of crap that Marvel and DC made this year


I'm  actually thinking of picking that up, since I was a big fan of Jason Aaron on Punisher MAX (even with Steve Dillon on art), but I've also heard good things about Waid's Daredevil run

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Go read the Thor run made by Jason Aaron and Wonder Woman


titst he best thing to read in this pile of crap that Marvel and DC made this year


I'm  actually thinking of picking that up, since I was a big fan of Jason Aaron on Punisher MAX (even with Steve Dillon on art), but I've also heard good things about Waid's Daredevil run



get it too

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  • 3 weeks later...

Frank Castle keeps killing everyone


Way to reduce this iconic antihero character to a random serial murderer instead of the flawed crusader against organized crime he has always been.

Besides, 'Born' by Ennis offers an interesting non-canon alternative to the family picnic origin story.

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  • 3 weeks later...


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