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I am new to posting on LoversLab and creating a post like this. 


I want to create a thread for mods that adds/retexture sexual elements to the world of Skyrim. For example of slaves being posting through out the city's, change plants/weapons/potions bottles to phallic shapes, and what ever else it out there or someone wants to create. I know there is a thread out there to the one I'm making but there has been a lack of interest to the thread so I'm hoping by making this new one it world spark something. I will try my best to give the original other/poster credit


Feel free to post any mods out there that you come across or any ideas you would like to add. 


Down below are some of the mod I found.



This author has multiple mods that sexualize ever day items (I.E signs, shields and coins) and some of other items (Nordic Murals, AlduinsWall, and many more)




This author retextured mushrooms and potions bottles to phallic shape




-( LE / SE ) Cock Ride Heroes 2.1

This mod changes some of the statues and shines to a sexual nature





This author changed the cooking cooking station to have a sexual theme to it




This author changed some of the food to erotic shapes (boods, pussys, and dicks)










-Warning Gore ahead- 


This section is for the more bloody side of Loverslab.  


-This posters has replaced the meat on cooking spites and stations with female meat.




this author changed the skeever on giants cooking sticks with female bodies and changed some of the bandit poles  



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