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Problems when you activate WW on a existing save file

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Why you should never activate WW on an existing save file instead of creating a new one with WW active.


It took me a long time to investigate this behavior. I realized sometimes attractiveness does not work properly. Most of the problems are with mixed hair and eye colors.

As you see in the picture, there is a loss in attractiveness where should be a gain.


After much testing it gets clear the bug only appears when you activate WW with an existing save file that was created without WW.

If you have WW installed and start a new game the calculation of attractiveness is correct.


EDIT: After more testing there is something more to avoid. If you add any houshold or sim from your gallery (that was not created with ww installed) the same misscalculating happend. [Workarround - load the houshold in a ww game and then save the houshold. The houshold is now marked as user edited and you can use it without problems]


Hope that this is helpful for some people.


Edited by Lilalaune28
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