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[Mod][XCL] Bring Her Back

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[XCL] Bring Her Back

Coworkers get used to having your female version in the office, and when she goes missing for an extended period, they may decide to take action to bring her back.


Author: usagitriplesix


Should work with X-Change Life version 0.19


Disclaimer: As with all of my mods, I want to make it clear that I know very little about coding for Harlowe or Twine, so this is just another poorly made mod which may not function as intended and will probably break your code. Use with discretion (or, if you’re a modder, feel free to poke around in the code and make a better version).


Bring Her Back

The idea behind the concept is simple: When you’ve spent time at work as a woman, there’s a chance your coworkers will get upset when you switch back, leading to increased work pill spike changes.


There are a few factors that play into this: The number of days you show up to work as a woman builds “pressure,” and the chances of increased spiking is determined by the amount of pressure and the number of days it’s been since they last saw your female alter-ego.


Working at DynaPill as a man will eventually become the norm again, and it’s entirely possible to switch back and forth without triggering BHB at all. Coworkers should make remarks when things are in motion, and will stop once the pressure has died down.



There is a conflict with BR Pill Mod in the "location event" passage due to a base game bug that BR fixes. The mods will work fine together, provided Bring Her Back is loaded after BR Pills. This has been specified in the metadata, and should hopefully be handled by the mod loader, but, just in case, I've changed the name of the file to make it show up beneath BR's mod alphabetically.


Update: As of version 007, the compatibility info has been removed from the meta data. It seems that version 1.1.3 of the mod loader was accidentally making BR's mod a requirement. It is not needed for this mod to work (both BR Pills and BHB address a bug in the base game that was preventing workplace pill spikes),


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  • 3 months later...

Hi usagi,

I found an issue with your mod. Actually, I'm hesitant to call it a bug since it looks more like an oversight in the base game.


What happens:

The problem occurs if I get the "5 missed sales in a row" talk at the office and then choose to take the penalty to the commission rate instead of working as a secretary. After returning to the workplace I then get an infinite loop of coworkers approaching me with the BHB warning message.


What's causing this:

What I found in the base code is that in the scenario described above the game skips the "work begin" passage and thus $location_params's "name" is not set. Therefore the 'if' statement in your "bhb coworker remark check" passage always returns true.


My workaround:

For now, I've changed the passage to this:


:: bhb coworker remark check
    (set: _atwork to false)
    (if:$location_params contains "name")[(if:$location_params's "name" is "Dynapill Office Supply Closet")[(set: _atwork to true)]]
    (if:((random:1,3) is 1) and ($bhb_quest is 15) and ($bhb_daily_msg_ctr < 3) and ($character's "gender" is "male") and _atwork)
        [(set:$bhb_comment_flag to true)]


I haven't tested this very thoroughly but for now it seems to work.


Hope this helps!


Thanks, Katalin

Edited by KTX_Katalin
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  • 4 months later...

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