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Why do my breast weights from Blender not work in Skyrim?


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Hello everyone, I seem to have run into a snag with making body mods in blender. I recently re-weighted a body of mine to have breast/butt weights using the automatic bb weight script provided on this website. When I export the body and do the usual editing in nifskope and load it up in Skyrim, nothing seems to move. I know it isn't the animation or skeleton because I tried them out with a previous body I had crudely weighted in 3dsmax when I still had the trial version, and the breasts bounced, so I know the animation file and skeleton are working fine. I just don't know why the weights from Blender don't seem to be working in Skyrim. Has anyone else run into this problem, or could point me to what errors I might be making?



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There's no breast or butt bones present in the nif, which means your weighting wasn't saved when you exported. The armature you're working with in blender is likely missing the necessary bones; simply adding the vert groups and weighting the mesh to them isn't enough, you need to make sure the bones corresponding to the new groups are present in your armature before you export or it will just ignore them.


The quick fix would probably be to delete your existing armature, select your body, then import a different body with functional weighting and set the importer to 'skeleton only+parent selected'. Assuming this is your issue, that ought to do the trick.

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Well, changing the armature fixed the weighting problems, but now I've run into an entirely different issue. I used the armature from the UNP BBP body when exporting my mesh from Blender, but when I use the body in Skyrim it sits lower and a little more forwards in space than it should. I tried exporting the body again with the regular armature I was using, and it sat in place properly. I'm not really sure why the body would be positioned in the wrong place like this, does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?




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I checked out the nif, the issue is the mesh is positioned improperly; I'm going to assume the nif you initially imported had this same issue present on its armature as well which compensated for it. When you changed it out for the BBP compatible armature, it was likely positioned correctly causing the positioning issues on the body to present themselves ingame.


I've run into this before on occasion; just import a known good body, like the original UNP for instance, with the importer set to 'geometry only+parent to selected armature' and attach it to the BBP armature you're working with. Then just translate your body until the neck and wrists etc line up with that of the imported body(wireframe view helps in this, just zoom in a lot) and it should be fixed. If you are still having trouble, post your blender .blend file and I'll poke at it and see what can be done.

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