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[REQUEST/IDEA] Charm spells on players

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I am kinda surprised there isn't a mod for it already but would love to see a chance for an enemy mage to use charm magics on the player. The player sets up preferences in the menu so you don't get things you aren't fully into. Then have some mages cast charm on the player during combat the higher the level the stronger the spells. What they would do is that the player has a settable charm value, along with different modifiers influencing the amount. Once the Value is equal to or greater than the limit the player strips and starts self pleasuring animations that adds the other npc once they get close enough. Have a chance on being kept as a sex slave after where the NPCs in that area become friendly and giving the charmer the title of Owner. Player regains control after a bit and maybe having a few quest now from the owner though now naked. Things like "go to this town" to shame the player or "have sex with this person to pay off my debt". Could make it more complex the longer the player goes with out doing the more likely the self pleasure animation is to play as long as they have an owner. Model could possibly change the more you submit to your new owner the more sexualized your model becomes. Give a dialog choice for the player to attempt to break free but now with a lower charm value than last time maybe the totally is reduced for every owner the player has. The total only going back up after the removal of owners with it's full value being at 0 owners. Could also have you pay your gold to your owner set a % up in the settings also for the range for it to be taken, along with a chance of an MISC item being taken as well.

I know it is complex and might be outside of possibility, but I personally would love to see influencing spells not just be limiting to players. A mage with friendship suddenly becoming much more dangerous than the guy swinging a hammer at you because at any moment your character could fall to their knees.

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