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i have the Problem when the Sims in the Character Editor are undressed that the nipples are normal but when i Dress Them anything on with transparent clothing or invisible stuff, the nipples getting Look weird, they are only in skin color and have only a little height also really weird.


(Only tested on Woman und only tested in Charakter Editor)


I Hope anybody knows a soluton, thank you 

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2 hours ago, sossas123222 said:


i have the Problem when the Sims in the Character Editor are undressed that the nipples are normal but when i Dress Them anything on with transparent clothing or invisible stuff, the nipples getting Look weird, they are only in skin color and have only a little height also really weird.


(Only tested on Woman und only tested in Charakter Editor)


I Hope anybody knows a soluton, thank you 

I'm not sure what your error means, so please send me a picture of what it is.
If it's in CAS, it's just a chest when you go back to the actual game because it's the default substitute. To work with WW, you need to set it with a body selector.

but if you set the transparent clothes, i.e. the nude upper body (Sims 4 does not undress, I'm switching clothes.Even nude is a kind of clothes) Usually, I don't insert nipple texture data in many cases. Or this known error issue. See here.

If you set the nipple manually, you can solve it with brute force.

Edited by Super anal fucker meiko
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6 hours ago, sossas123222 said:

Yeah it Looks like you send it in @Super anal fucker meiko, and how can i fix it?

I had the same issue that you sent me a message.
Well, the nipples that are usually attached to body selectors such as EVE are just a bonus element, and nipple data does not exist on clothes because it is an obstacle.
So I think the quickest and most reliable way is to use texture overriding nipples instead of overlay-modifiable nipples.

Most female's skins have nipples attached to the body texture even without introducing nipple data.
Users searching for obscurus, northern siberia winds, anyway "sims 4 skin"



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