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I have cbpc, smp, and 3ba installed (with breast physics set to smp by option, and everything else to cbpc).


using breasts as an example,

When in cbpc mode, I notice that npcs' breasts don't respond to collision my character's model in normal game play, but it does work during sexlab scenes. However if the npc dead and ragdolled, their breasts, belly, legs, butt do react to collisions with my character, eg. if i walk over them.


If i turn on smp mode, npc's breasts don't respond to any collision with my character, whether they're alive or ragdolled.


Is this behavior expected? If not, how can I enable collisions outside of sexlab scenes? All other physics seems to work fine, physics enabled parts will shake and sway.

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As far as I know, 3BA SMP is using collision armor. Meaning if the colliding actors do not both have a ring (or something) equipped with the collision armor then no collision will occur. This is one of the main reasons why I rebuilt all physics presets from scratch after installing 3BA, and why I eventually switched to having CBPC manage body physics and let SMP do hair and clothing. This way everything works at all times, with no fiddling with collisions armors and other hacks.


...that's the long version of saying: yes it's most likely expected behavior.

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