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Long-running error with Honoka-body versions of some older mods.

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I've tried off and on to figure this problem out but I'm at wits end.  It's hard to explain so I'll just show it.


Lobelia in a custom skin.  Looks normal, yes?



Lobelia in the all range bikini mod, which is available for all body types.  This looks perfect normal, yes?  You can still see the custom skin I made "underneath" the bikini.




Here's a shot of Elise using a custom skin:




Now here's a shot of her wearing that same bikini mod:



Notice how I can no longer see the custom skin "underneath".  Instead it's showing a skin with.... I don't know if that's supposed to be semen or sweat but... well I'm not a fan. 



Here's the views from the front:





All-Range Mod:



You can tell it's a whole new skin because there's purple pubes on this one and not my custom one.




So you're probably saying "well, there's something wrong with the mod then."  NO! You can check the all range mod for yourself.  It calls a custom body VB and IB but no texture for the skin. There aren't even any dds files in the mod apart from the bikini itself. 


if $\mods\_id\id.ini\swimsuit1 != $id && $\mods\_id\id.ini\swimsuit2 != $id
    run = CommandListID
hash = ae100bc7
vb0 = ResourceBodyVB
ib = ResourceBodyIB
handling = skip
drawindexed = auto
$mod_active = 1


Another clue: If I inspect the vs c523c6339eefee69 I get this:



When I inspect vs c523c6339eefee69 I can see my custom skin.  I'm not sure what that means, though.  It means it's drawing the proper texture on the model but it's being covered up by something associated with vs c523c6339eefee69, perhaps?


And here's the real kicker: I disabled ALL my mods except All-Range and it still looks the same.  Including all my custom skin mods, make up mods, costume mods, everything in my main mod folder.  Obviously, her custom face textures disappeared when I did that, but the "sweaty" skin texture remained.


And this isn't just limited to the All-Range mod.  Some other mods to this as well, it's just that All Range is the most accessible to show it off on.


DOAX_VV 2023-03-30 09-20-21.jpg

Edited by SolomonSTB1973
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6 hours ago, SolomonSTB1973 said:

I've tried off and on to figure this problem out but I'm at wits end.  It's hard to explain so I'll just show it.


Lobelia in a custom skin.  Looks normal, yes?



Lobelia in the all range bikini mod, which is available for all body types.  This looks perfect normal, yes?  You can still see the custom skin I made "underneath" the bikini.




Here's a shot of Elise using a custom skin:




Now here's a shot of her wearing that same bikini mod:



Notice how I can no longer see the custom skin "underneath".  Instead it's showing a skin with.... I don't know if that's supposed to be semen or sweat but... well I'm not a fan. 



Here's the views from the front:





All-Range Mod:



You can tell it's a whole new skin because there's purple pubes on this one and not my custom one.




So you're probably saying "well, there's something wrong with the mod then."  NO! You can check the all range mod for yourself.  It calls a custom body VB and IB but no texture for the skin. There aren't even any dds files in the mod apart from the bikini itself. 


if $\mods\_id\id.ini\swimsuit1 != $id && $\mods\_id\id.ini\swimsuit2 != $id
    run = CommandListID
hash = ae100bc7
vb0 = ResourceBodyVB
ib = ResourceBodyIB
handling = skip
drawindexed = auto
$mod_active = 1


Another clue: If I inspect the vs c523c6339eefee69 I get this:



When I inspect vs c523c6339eefee69 I can see my custom skin.  I'm not sure what that means, though.  It means it's drawing the proper texture on the model but it's being covered up by something associated with vs c523c6339eefee69, perhaps?


And here's the real kicker: I disabled ALL my mods except All-Range and it still looks the same.  Including all my custom skin mods, make up mods, costume mods, everything in my main mod folder.  Obviously, her custom face textures disappeared when I did that, but the "sweaty" skin texture remained.


And this isn't just limited to the All-Range mod.  Some other mods to this as well, it's just that All Range is the most accessible to show it off on.


DOAX_VV 2023-03-30 09-20-21.jpg

Try this, this is a common error for Honoka Body Type, and if your skin doesn't show up, at least those spots will go away:


if $\mods\_id\id.ini\swimsuit1 != $id && $\mods\_id\id.ini\swimsuit2 != $id
    run = CommandListID
hash = ae100bc7

match_first_index = 0
vb0 = ResourceBodyVB
ib = ResourceBodyIB
handling = skip
drawindexed = auto
$mod_active = 1



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That's completely fixed it.  Wow, thanks!


Though I'm still REALLY curious... where was it getting that skin from? Like I said, that's clearly a skin loaded form SOMEWHERE on my computer, since you can see purple pubes on it and i'm PRETTY sure the game doesn't normally draw pubes on the models.  Even after disabling ALL my mods save ALL Range, it was able to load that mod up from somewhere.  


But, still, thanks loads.  That error has been bugging me for YEARS.

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